I Hate Hospitals

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Slowly Julie woke up. bright sterile light blinded her as her eyes fluttered open. The sound of beeping and hushed talking was all around her. Not to mention the smell of bleach and disinfectant. As the fog cleared from her brain she noticed her movements were very limited and she couldn't quite swallow. She was hooked up to all kinds of different machines. The young girl started to panic making a close beeping go faster. That alerted a nurse who was near by. The nurse was an older lady and looked at Julie with surprise. Julie had no idea why she was here, she wanted to be home. Why was she here anyway, did something happen. Did Julie get into an accident? She couldn't rember for the life of her.

While the young girls thoughts raced the nurse checked her vitals before pressing a button to get the doctor. The nurse was also in shock because as far as the old lady knew this girl didn't even have enough blood to even be awake or aware of what's going on. The nurse just kept glancing at the bandaged girl. Julie noticed that the nurse looked scared. Why did she looked scared? Was her face badly disfigured? She raised her hand to touch her face. The nurse let out a small scream. gaining a few more nurses to come into the room where Julie was at.

Why did she scream? Julie looked at her hand then her arm. Horror set in. What happened to her? Who took her skin. Finally The Doctor came. He looked at the group of nurses that had looked like they saw a ghost and saw why. Julie His patient he got yesterday was sitting up in her hospital bed. She was suppose to be comatose for at least a month. They all just stood there in shock as the young girl pulled off wires and I.Vs off of her body. Before they could stop her she was out of her bed and bolted.

"W-wait! Catch that girl!" Yelled the doctor "she cant get far she is still healing" the doctor was stumped. How in the world did this happen. How was this even possible.

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 24, 2022 ⏰

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