Skinny Is Pretty, Right?

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    She sits on her bed, eyes glued to her phone. Looking at the pictures of well known Instagramers and liking all of them. She comes across a picture of a skinny girl and then looks down at her own body. Her large hips and thick belly taunted her that she will never be skinny. Tears well up in her hazel eyes, she was tired of being called fat and ugly. That's when an idea popped into her head. Sitting up and getting off her bed she left her room. Carefully creeping to the kitchen. Grabbing her mother's sharpest butcher knife and inspecting it in the moonlight. It gleamed beautifully, The brunette smiled softly running her finger down the blade cutting it open letting the blood flow freely. She dashed back to her room grabbing a towel. With towel and knife in hand she went into her bathroom and locked the door. She stipped naked and grabbed the first aid kit, she knew she'd have to bandage herself afterwords. Stepping into the bathtub she held the knife against her right leg, hesitating at first. Taking a deep breath before gently slicing the first layer of skin. She didn't feel anything at first. Only the warm blood dripping down her calf. She laughed at herself before continuing, slicing more of her skin and muscle. The muscle was a bit harder to cut through but in the end she managed.

  Laughter and sounds of soft wet slapping woke the girls parents. They went to the bathroom door and knocked. Why was she up so late laughing in the bathroom? What was she doing to make that wet sloshing sound. 

 "Julie? Julie what are you doing dear?" Asked her concerned mother. There was no reply only more giggling. It was getting louder.

 "Julie, open this door young lady!" Her father said. No response. He tried to open the door. It was locked. Julie's mother handed him a bobby pin to open the simple bathroom door lock. With a small pop of the lock they opened the door. They were not ready to see what was behind that door. The girls mother screamed in horror and the father just stared in shock. Julie looked up from what she was doing, blood and tears streaming down her face as she stands in blood and gore. Her father held his mouth to keep from puking. her mother had fainted at the sight. 

"I'm finally pretty dad" Julie said with labored breaths. the blood loss was catching up to her. Her whole body was in agony. The adrenaline had worn off. Her father just shook his head as he pulled his phone out of his night robe. calling the police and ambulance. Julie didn't notice she was in her own little world. She was finally skinny. She was finally pretty. Then everything went dark.  



Hello my blood stained tears, thank you for reading this story. I have been working up the courage to post it and I finally did. I hope you enjoyed this and please like and comment.  

Is it that bad?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora