He stood up and took out a file from his drawer and handed it to me.

“This is the current status of your vault.” He gave me a minute to pursue it before continuing. “As you can see your net worth is seven hundred sixty million galleons which at current exchange rate is seven 3.8 billion pounds and five billion one hundred sixty eight million US dollars.”

“As of now I handle all of your finances. You would have needed to be 17 years to take control of your vaults, but since you are last of your line you can control it now. ”He handed me a set of vouchers, a pouch and said,“ The pouch is unsummonable and with anti theft charms, it is connected to your Vault, you can take out money from there. The voucher is for large transactions you just write the amount of money and sign it pushing little magic through it. And the money will be transferred to the intended vault.”

“All of your recorded heirlooms except invisibility cloak are stored in your vault. Here is a list of potter heirlooms, as recorded in Gringotts.” He handed me a piece of parchment.

It had lists of all heirlooms passed for generations. It included all kinds of things like jewelleries, armours, weapons and so on.

“Do you know where the cloak is right now?” I asked.

“According to records here. It was handed to Albus Dumbledore for study. He has made an unbreakable vow to return it to the potter heir within his first year at Hogwarts or as soon as he demands it.”

“Okay, thank you for your service.” I said and went to the building. Now to the Ollivander’s.

The shop was narrow and shabby. Peeling gold letters over the door read Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C. A single wand lay on a faded purple cushion in the dusty window.

A tinkling bell rang somewhere in the depths of the shop as he stepped inside.

“Good afternoon,” said a soft voice.

An old man was standing before me, his wide, pale eyes shining like the moon through the gloom of the shop. he stepped inside.

“Good afternoon” said a soft voice.

An old man was standing before me, his wide, pale eyes shining like the moon through the gloom of the shop.

“Ah yes, said the man. “ you are three years early Mr. Potter. I am not allowed to sell you a wand.”

“I am not here to buy wand Mr. Ollivander. I am here to if you have heard of a Supposedly unbeatable wand, it’s called deathstick I think.”

I could see his eyes widen at this. I know he would refuse to say anything, so I snapped my fingers and said, “You are explaining me what you know of elder wand.”

He looked me with confusion for a while then said, “ Ah Yes, there are lots of mention of the wand throughout the history. There are gaps, ofcourse, and long ones, where it vanishes from view, temporarily lost or hidden; but always it resurfaces. It has certain identifying characteristics that those who are learned in wandlore recognize. There are written accounts, some of them obscure, that I and other wandmakers have made it our business to study. They have the ring of authenticity.”

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