Dave Courtny

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Juvia's POV
"Z-Zeref!"I yelled then backed away a little bit. His eyes turned red "You're not going anywhere," he said. I started to run but then he appeared right in front of me. "I've got you,"

Inside of hideout

Zeref's POV

"What the heck is going on, who is taking over my body I don't want to hurt anyone!"I said."Don't worry, I'm going to be the one hurting not you, I'm just simply using you,"the mysterious guy said. I growled at him with disgust. "And just what are you planning to do,"I asked."Well, there is a water dragon slayer that obtains the ocean sword and I captured her already, then I will use it to destroy the world,"he said."You want to use the most powerful sword in the universe?"I said."Yep,"he said back."Please tell me you didn't hurt the girl,"I said."Oh don't worry I only knocked her out, but then even worst things are going to happen"he said.I growl at him again."later you'll pay for what you did to the girl and me and what you'll do to the people on Earthland,"I thought.

Juvia's POV

I woke up in some room and my head started to ach."Where is Juvia,"I said. Then suddenly somebody entered the room."Looks like you're up,"said a guy with red hair, blue eyes and had a white t shirt with a white leather jacket and blue jeans, about my age."Dave, Dave Courtny,""And just what are you going to do to me, Dave?"Juvia said."Thats for you to know in the future,"he said with a evil smile. Then he slamed the door with no goodbye."Juvia just knows something bad is going to happen,"Juvia thought. The guy looked like a pretty bad guy. Could he be the guy who knocked me out. No, it was Zeref who knoked me out, or was it. I could kind of feel the present of another person mabye an illusion. Mabye Dave was pretending to be Zeref. I finally the message with some thinking. "WATER ARROWS," I hit the chains connected to the door and it fell to the ground. I slowly opened the door and saw another door that looked more protected then the door to the room I was in. I opened the door and saw ZEREF?

Zeref's POV

My eyes open wide when I see her guild mark on her thigh. "Let me guess apart of the Fairy Tail guild,"I said."........"She didn't reply." Look I know you guys see me as a threat but  actually I don't want anybody to get hurt,"I said." I bet she doesn't belive me," I thought."Juvia doesn't think you are lying,"she said."You're really sure"I said."Juvia's  sure,"........."Sooooooo, how are we going to get out of this place,"She said." Let's just try to find a way out of here," I said."Actually Juvia can use scents of smell to get out of here,"She said." Lead the way," I said.

Third person POV

They finally got out of the huge hidout."Looks like we'll be on our own ways now,"Zeref said."Nope you're coming with me,"Juvia said and dragged him with her untill they were a little bit out of the woods."WATER TRANSFORM," Juvia yelled and Zeref transformed into Jake's form."Who's form am I in,"Zeref said."No time to explain, YOU ARE GOING TO JOIN FAIRY TAIL FOR ME,"Juvia yelled again."IM GOING TO DO WHAT!"Zeref exclaimed. Sadly he didn't get time to explain why he couldn't join because she ran so fast to where her guild were staying. Juvia zoomed right into her room, but then accedently fell on top of him. He blushed a little and Juvia quickly got off and apoligized."What's the beating in my heart, and my face is getting hotter, am I getting sick " He thought.

Timeskip (Night time)
"I wonder how my life in Fairy Tail is going to be and how I'm going to be in this body Juvia put me in,"Zeref thought."Juvia thinks she's going  train more, why wouldn't Juvia do it she is going to be chased by Dave,"Juvia thought."Goodnight Zeref,"Juvia said."Goodnight Juvia,"Zeref said. Then they both found darkness taking over them. Little did they know somebody was watching them through the window."This is going to be intresting,"

I hoped you liked this chapter. Excuse any mistakes. See you next chapter. Peace OUT!

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