"Now don't laugh, or interrupt me, or just don't do anything but look at me. Got it?" Sun nodded eagerly.

He sighed, closing his eyes, relaxing and finally cooling himself down. He opened them and looked straight at his lover "Sundrop, I love you" It made him so happy to see Sun's face flushed with blush as he heard the words and a smile form on his face. "I love you too Moondrop!" With feeling so much happiness, Sundrop threw himself forward towards Moondrop. They both landed on the floor, laughing together.

They both smiled at each other and kissed, it wasn't filled with lustful passion, but it had all the love they felt for each other and that was just perfect. Sundrop was perfect, everything was so perfect for him. There was nothing Moondrop could think that would ruin the rest of the upcoming day.


In the end, Moondrop had decided to stay back and rest while Sundrop got the daycare ready, he would come down once it opened.

With everything neat and tidy, Sun left the daycare to look for Mark. He needed his arm checked out; it had been acting funny. He hadn't been able to carry heavy things, which prevented him from carrying kids. It would sometimes shake uncontrollably, or just stay locked in one position making him unable to do anything else.

He walked through the dimly lit hallways of the plex, humming a small tune. He hadn't bothered to look at his surroundings when he was roughly slammed against a wall.

"Ack! Ugh, hey-" His eyes glitched slightly before his vision cleared and in front of him stood Monty.

"Oh! Good morning Monty!" He forced a smile, but it was hard to when he could feel the gator's hands starting to leave dents on his arms. The alligator had seemed nice when they had first met, and well, he had been nice and friendly. But that had been only the first couple of weeks of his act before he changed.

He had become more.... Aggressive? Well that just seemed like a rude assumption, Monty had tried to get more closer to him. He forced himself closer to him, and at first Sundrop, didn't mind at all, as he was still naïve to everything around him he thought it was normal. But that was until it didn't feel normal.

He never cared for how small he was compared to the other animatronics, but he always seemed to realize his size difference when he was around Monty, and it terrified him how big he was. How easily he could-was crushing him at the very moment.

"Um-Can, you let me go? Please? I think you're starting to dent my arms a little too much" He forced a chuckle.

The alligator simple stared at the other, until he angled his head downward and his sunglasses slightly slid down. Sundrop could directly see his red eyes looking into his white pupils.

"Monty?" he was nervous now; oh, he was very nervous now. It was still very early, quite dark still, and the dim lights of the plex were not helping this dark feeling he felt, it fed the fear that was slowly rising up within him.

He looked left, right, them beyond Monty, nobody was around. Workers didn't come in till 5:50, and the rest of the animatronics must've been preparing themselves for the day.

"Well, what brings you out of the daycare hun? Ya never leave the damn place for anything" he spoke.

"Oh- um" The sudden break from silence startled him, he was thrown off by the simple question.

"I was goanna wait for Mark in Works and Repairs. I am having trouble with moving my arm sometimes, and now I'll have to go get the dents popped out of my arms too apparently" he mumbled that last part. He tensed up at the feeling of a hand moving downward from his arm to his waist, and the other reached up to grab him by his chin.

Moondrop x SundropWhere stories live. Discover now