ii.viii(mike's wet dream)

Start from the beginning


"dustin, how's it going? where are you guys? over." i speak with a yawn into the walkie-talkie, tossing my bag somewhere in a corner and flopping down dramatically onto the pull-out couch. el, max, and lucas file into the room sleepily behind me. lucas throws his stuff onto the bed closest to the window while max and el pile their things into the corner by the bathroom. 

"scoops troop checking in, we've received the precious cargo. over."  dustin's voice speaks over the walkie-talkie in response.  

a little tired and a little anxious, i ask, "what precious cargo? i thought you were going to get will." 

there's a silence, then the sound of movement on dustin's side, then another voice, 

"hi, mike." 

will. god, the sound of his voice could make me cry. 

"will." my voice comes out like a sigh more than anything. god, he makes my name sound so pretty. 

"i get to see you tomorrow. i finally get to kiss you tomorrow." will's voice paints a pretty picture in my mind. just imagining seeing him, getting to touch him, kiss him, taste him, god i sound so horny. 

i realize after a moment has passed that i haven't said anything, "yeah. i can't fucking wait." 

"we're staying in a hotel tomorrow night, right? steve said he'd be able to get us our own room so we can talk privately. god, there's so much i want to tell you. there's so many things we need to catch up on..." 

he keeps talking but i can't help my mind wandering. us? alone in a hotel room together for a whole night? just me and the boy who i've been pining for since i was a child? how could i think about anything other than that? 

when there's a pause, i'm pretty sure it's my turn to respond but i have no idea what he was saying, so i just agree and try to change the subject before this becomes a very...uncomfortable situation

"are you happy to be coming home?" it's a dumb question and i realize it as soon as it leaves my lips. of course, he's happy. why wouldn't he be?

"i'm so happy to be coming home. i'm excited to finally be home tomorrow, just under 24 hours from now, mike." 

"but, we won't be back in hawkins for a couple of days. tomorrow we probably won't make it much farther than oklahoma." 

"no, mike. i mean with you. safe, and in your arms. that's home for me. it's been home for me for a long time." he pauses for a minute before continuing, "do you remember that time when we were in 4th grade and we were having a sleepover and i woke up from a nightmare?" 

i smile fondly at the memory. god, it feels like so long ago and like just yesterday. we used to be so little, so oblivious. it's insane to me now that it took us as long as it did for us to admit our feelings for each other. 

"that was one of my favorite nights." 

"we were laying in your bed, that was when you had convinced your mom you needed freddie mercury sheets, do you remember that? and anyway, you weren't even angry when i woke you up. you just opened your arms so i could climb into them and you ran your fingers through my hair and you sang to me." 

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