9. fight

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There is one thing about Andres Madrigal everyone can agree on, he's a sweetheart. He has never fought anyone in his life. The kid is tall like a tree at 6 ft. slightly muscular but other than that he's basically Bruno with his mothers nose.

Today is like no other. After school he heard some guys talking about how hot Valentina is. Maribel was with Andres when they both heard the conversation.

"oh you better watch it.. she's dating a madrigal" Tom one of the annoying want to be jock guys said

"I don't care. I'd still do her " Aaron said laughing

"Watch your mouth about my girlfriend." Andres said angry

He doesn't like when people disrespect anyone he loves. This though wasn't anything Mirabel ever seen. Her cousin was always the nervous type when it came to confrontation.

"oh rat boy can talk. ask your dad to look in the future bet he'll see me boning your girl. " Aaron said smirking

"Dres just ignore this idiot" Mirabel said grabbing his arm trying to pull him away

Andres teleports in front of the guy. now Andres is taller then aaron. Aaron is 5"7 so he has to slightly look up.

"don't talk about my dad or my girlfriend " Andres green eyes seem to glow with anger

"back up you freak... hm your cousin isn't bad looking either. don't worry i got some for you too baby. i'll put that pretty mouth to use" he said and winked at Mirabel

this set Andres off. he punched Aaron in the mouth. He stumbled back and touched his mouth. he felt blood and charged at Andres. Andres blocks the punch and starts wailing on the guy. they start fighting each throwing punches and they are both now in the dirt.

"Andres!" Mirabel shouts scared.

soon some people run over and two grown men struggle to separate the boys. mostly because Andres is teleporting to keep hitting him.

"Andres mi amor !" a voice shouts.

Valentina runs over and grabs the tall boys arm even with him in this fit of anger. she grabs the boy and makes him bend by pulling him by his ruana. she looks him eye to eye which calms him down.

"slut!" Aaron shouts even though he's pretty badly beaten

Andres goes to move but Valentina grabs his face and makes him look at her.

"look at me amor. ignore him. look at me" she tells him.

Andres' eyes soften as he looks at who he now realizes is the love of his life.

"let's get him home before abuela come out of nowhere" Mirabel said going to the couple.

"agreed." Valentina said

the three start heading to Casita. now Andres is feeling the pain of his injures. he groans in pain as Valentina grabs his hand

"i'm sorry. " she said

she looks and his hands are bruised up

"i think he knocked one of aaron's teeth out. " Mirabel said

'well good. he shouldn't be talking about the women in my life" Andres mumbles.

once they get to casita they go straight to the kitchen.

"Andres what happen?" Julieta ask concern.

"I got into a fight" Andres said

she sighs and gives him an arepa. he eats it and thanks his tia.

"Thank you for helping Señora Julieta...let's go talk Madrigal" Valentina grabs Andres' hand and drag him up to his room

"she's just like his mami" Julieta said chuckling.

"oh uh wait.. my room isn't like a normal room" Andres said now nervous.

"it's okay" she said

he opens the door and they walk in. she looks around in aww. she sees all the different levitating platforms with different things on it.

"yeah it's so i can teleport. my beds the only thing on the ground cause i use to fall a lot. " he explains

she leads him to his bed and they sit down

"well i like your room... how about we talk about what happened" Valentina gently holds his hand.

Andres sighs and pushes his hair out of his face.

"okay well Mira and I was walking home after school and these guys was talking about how hot you are... i didn't get so mad at that point but then he said he'd do you. i told him to watch his mouth. then he said my dad should see in the future to see him boning you. then he talked about Mirabel and that was the last straw. I don't like people talking about people I love. " Andres said looking down not wanting to see his girlfriend disappointed.

"You love me?" she ask

"uh i... yeah. I love you Val. I understand if it's-" Andres starts

"i love you too Andres" she said

she kisses him and he kisses back. she gets on his lap so he doesn't have to slouch so much to kiss her. he holds her waist and her hands are in his hair. Andres boldly stick his tongue in her mouth surprising the girl. their tongues move together as they make out. after about 2 minutes they pull away breathing heavy.

"didn't know you had it in you to stick your tongue in my mouth. " Valentina said and lean on him

"sorry" Andres said

"no need to apologize i liked it.. and i can tell so did you " she said

she winks and stand up fixing her dress.  Andres blushes and puts a pillow on his lap. His door opens and there is Bruno.

"oh uh sorry.. i just wanted to check on you.. I'll be back. "Bruno started

"oh no Señor Bruno. I was just leaving... I'll see you later amor I love you. " Valentina kisses Andres cheek

"i love you too" he said watching his girlfriend leave.

Bruno walks over and sits with his son.

"are you okay? mirabel told me about the fight. " he ask

Andres sighs and looks at his dad.

"i didn't know i had that kind of rage inside of me. I.. just couldn't let anyone talk about Valentina, you or Mirabel. I usually don't entertain anyone who says anything about me but people i love is different. " Andres looks at his dad

"I know i'm not the best at conversations.. your mami was better at it.. but I know how you feel kind of. I'm the youngest so when someone talked about me i always had my sisters say something. kind of like how Mirabel does for you at times. though if someone dared say anything about one of your tias i would tell them something bad would happen. no i never fought but i played mind games. it's okay to fight for those you love but be smart about it. " Bruno said

"thanks papi" Andres said

he hugs his dad who hugs back.

"also let's hope your abuela doesnt hear about.. then we will both have a earful. " Bruno said

"Andres Madrigal! " they hear alma shout from downstairs

"too late" they say in unison

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