“Two shillings.”

“Would you take twenty pence?” I batted my eyelashes and pushed my arms into my chest. Flaunt what you got, baby. 

“Anything for you, my lady.”

“Thank you.”

“I’ll get that wrapped up for you.” 

I handed over the money with a flirtatious smile and waited patiently for my salt bricks. 

“What have we here?” a snarky male voice floated through the crowd. “Is she mute or just dense?”

My ears pricked up. A crowd was forming around the cloth vendor’s cart. 

“Are you mute or stupid? Huh?” another male voice mocked. “Fucking moronic she is.”

“Why is she waving her hands around like that? Trying to fend us off with some sick satanic witchcraft?”


I hurried off towards the crowd, forgetting my salt. I pushed myself through the flood of people, throwing elbows and shoving them out of the way. A pair of men had backed Makkari up against the cart, essentially cornering her. There were too many people around for her to run away. 

“Get the Constable, tell him we’ve got a witch to hang,” one ordered, waving dismissively at a younger boy. The boy nodded and ran off. 

I took a shaky breath, not ready for confrontation, but the rage was overwhelming. Nobody attacked my family and got away with it. “Hey, slush for brains! Step away from her,” I growled. 

“Stand aside, good woman, we’re handling this.”

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t asking. Stand aside.”

“What do you care about this simpleton? She can’t seem to speak or listen, it’s unnatural.” He lunged towards Makkari and shoved her sideways, right into a mud puddle. 

She landed with a splash, her hair, face, and clothes drenched. But what really hurt was the look of shock on her face. 

“You just made the biggest mistake of your fucking lives, you motherfucking idiots!” I roared, grabbing the closest one by the arm and kneeing him right in the dick. As he bent over in pain, I brought my knee up again and smashed it into his nose. “She is not fucking moronic or mute, she is a goddamn angel!” I threw a jab at the other guy, catching his jaw. “She’s deaf, you idiots. She communicates in sign language and is about ten thousand times more intelligent than either of you peabrains.” They both tried to climb to their feet. “Stay down or I will shatter every single bone in your body!” I seethed, red hot fury burning under my skin. “Run away, bitch boys.” And so they did. The crowd began to disperse, the spectacle no longer interesting to them. 

I ran to Makkari, sinking into the puddle beside her and pulling her into my arms. She was shaking. I ran a hand through her hair and rubbed her back until she was calm again. When she pulled away, I wiped the mud from her face and helped her stand. 

“I’m so sorry, my love. I shouldn’t have left you alone. Those ableist assholes won’t get away with this. I will hunt them down and rip them apart.” 

“No, I’m fine, I promise.”

“You are so very incredible, Makkari. I don’t know how you manage to stay so positive despite the absolute shit show that is our lives.”

“Because I have you.”

I blushed. “That is so sappy. Let’s get you home.” 

I shadow jumped us to the Domo, meaning to emerge in her room, but, being slightly distracted, accidentally landed us in Druig’s. 

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