Chapter Two - The Potions Class

Start from the beginning

"Please. It's unbelievable you guys don't take enough classes that you have a free period this morning. " Hermione scoffed, and Ron just shrugged.

"Not my problem. Pretty nice having a free morning. We'll see you later, Hermione. We're going to go hang out in the halls. " Ron said with a soft chuckle, shoveling the rest of his food in his mouth and standing up. "Come on, Harry. "

Harry stood up, said his goodbyes to Hermione, and walked into the busy hallway with Ron.

They talked for what seemed like a short time as Professor McGonagall called Harry's name. Harry jumped off the small level they were standing on and made his way over to her, a soft smile on his face. "Mr. Potter, why aren't you at class?"

"Oh, Ron and I had a free period this morning -"

"And what about potions? Do you not wish to become successful aurors?" The Professor cut him off, narrowing her eyes.

"Oh, absolutely, Professor-"

"Good. Take Weasley with you to Potions. He's having too much fun. " McGonagall said with a concerned look. Harry nodded, walking back up to Ron and explaining everything.

"Why can't we just skip it? She won't know, Harry. " Ron said as they made their way down the hall.

"Forget it, Ron. Maybe we'll get something out of it. " Harry said with a shrug.

As the two of them entered the classroom, an awkward silence approached them as Professor Slughorn, their newest Potions teacher, turned with a weak smile to see Harry and Ron.

"Ah! Mr. Potter, what brings you to my classroom?" He asked with a smile.

"Sir, actually, we decided last minute we'd join. " Harry said.

"And you are?" The professor asked to Ron.

"Oh, Ron Weasley sir, nice to meet you. " Ron said.

"Very well. Grab your books, boys. " Slughorn said.

"Oh, Professor, we haven't actually gotten our books yet.. " Harry explained, feeling particularly embarrassed as he said so.

"Very well. Grab it from the cabinet over there. " He said, pointing towards an old cabinet door.

As Ron and Harry opened the cabinet and fought over the better book, they both receded to the crowd of students, Harry wanting to get no where near Draco. Despite his hopes, The only spot left was to stand right next to the blonde.

"Bloody wonderful.. " Harry murmured to himself as he squeezed in a spot between Draco and Hermione.

Draco just glared at Harry, rather upset he had to stand next to him. "Why can't you go on the other side of the room?" he whispered sharply to Harry.

"There isn't any room, " Harry explained, but it didn't come out as stingily as he thought it would.

"Now, now, quiet class. " Slughorn said as he waddled over to the desk of potions. "Can one student please tell me what this potion is?" Slughorn asked.

Only Hermione shot her hand up.

"Granger, by the way, sir. " She began, stating a long explanation on what the potion was. "In conclusion, it's Amortentia -- the most powerful love potion. It smells of what or whom you may love most. " Hermione stated.

"Correct, Ms. Granger!" Slughorn explained as he lifted the cap to it.

"How about you, Mr. Potter, tell me what you smell. " Slughorn said.

Harry's eyes were fixed on his hands until his name was called, his eyes averting to the Professor.

"Uhm, sure. " Harry said, taking a step forward. Taking one whiff of the rather strong potion, immediately, three smells came to mind;

'Treacle tart, definitely..

I believe that's broomstick polish.

Was that hair gel?'

Harry thought, trying to think of who it might be.. wait, hair gel? Isn't that- no, it couldn't of been..

"I smell strawberries, perfume, and - and uhm, freshly brewed tea. " Harry quickly lied, before taking a step back in his spot.

"Very interesting! Now, students, as I said before, this is a very powerful potion and can only be completed by the strongest of wizards. " he said and capped the small cauldron it lay in.

Harry's eyes flickered over to Draco now for just a second. He was wearing hair gel, not one strand of his blonde hair out of its place -- but..

Maybe the potion was made wrong and you would smell the ones you'd hate. That's possible, right? Yeah. There's now way Harry smelled what he thought he had. No possible way.

He was interrupted from his thoughts as the teacher explained what they were going to be doing in the hour that remained.

"It is in page thirteen of your books. Good luck. " Slughorn said with his mysterious but excited voice, before walking back to his desk to take a seat.

Harry went to turn and walk right, while Draco went to turn left, and they crashed right into each other. Harry dropped his book and went to awkwardly go down and get it, the same time Draco tried to grab his own book, and he felt his head bump right into Draco's as they leaned down at the same time.

Draco backed away in disgust, eyeing Harry a bit. "Stupid clumsy potter. "

Harry ignored his comment and made his way to the table with Hermione. Taking a seat, he looked over at Draco one last time without him noticing, and then his eyes averting to the cauldron in front of him.

No one seemed to be getting the potion right. Seamus blew off his eyebrows trying, Hermione's hair was turning into a bush, and Pansy Parkinson's potion came alive and out of the cauldron as a sloppy green muck.

All except Harry was failing miserably. Unbelievably, his book, which was owned by the Half Blood Prince, had every single correction in it. It even had a few new spells Harry had never learned before, but he'd save that for later.

"You're supposed to cut it! Not crush it!" Hermione complained, her bush growing larger. Harry shook his head.

"Try crushing it. " Harry said.

"But the book says to cut it. " she whined.

"No, really!" Harry said, indicating for her to try it. But she still wouldn't listen.

Soon enough, after a long time of adding ingredients, Harry gave it a stir.

Professor Slughorn came over and examined it, narrowing his eyes the slightest.

"Merlin's beard! It's perfect!" The professor said, maybe a little bit too excitedly, or at least that's what Harry thought.

Gathering the class at the front of the room, Slughorn held up Harry's vial of Felix Felicis -- the potion they had to complete.

"Use it wisely. " Slughorn said as he handed it to Harry. Smiling softly, his eyes scanned the room at the group of students in front of him.

First, he examined how Hermione's hair was probably unfixable for the day. Ron was actually cheering for his best friend. Pansy had a look of disgust on her face, along with Blaise, and Seamus just looked utterly disappointed. Then, his eyes met with Draco's, his breath quickening a bit. As quickly as possible he looked away, avoiding to have eye contact with the Slytherin.

'The Amortentia potion was simply wrong, ' Harry thought, 'Draco is my enemy. '

Harry's thoughts drifted away from the group of students as the class was dismissed.

All he kept his thoughts at now was ; the Amortentia potion was wrong.

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