46 // I'll never leave

Start from the beginning

"Did the cops find you?"

"Nope. A rat on the other hand decided to crawl on me while I was in there."

Amivi shuddered, "I hate rodents. When I was five I helped my grandpa clean out his garage and there was a family of mice. I'll never be the same after one ran up my sweatpants."

I laughed at her short story imgnaing the scene in my head.

"How'd you and Theo meet?"

I smiled thinking back to that moment, "He sat next to me on the bench. I was a little mean admittly but he's into that so here we are. Are you dating anyone?"

She shook her head no, "I broke up with my boyfriend of three years a month ago."

"Three years is a long time."

"I know. He just stopped treating me as a priority and you know what, someone else will so I don't need him."

"Damn right."

"He doesn't deserve me. He keeps trying to crawl back but I decided enough is enough and I completely cut him out of my life."

"Was it hard? Like cutting all contact with him."

"Yeah. Mostly just the money part since he used to pay for like 80% of all out stuff. But life goes on so I just had to get over it and it's better to do it sooner than later."

I smiled at her, "You'll find your person eventually. I thought I'd never actually fall in love with someone but then I found Parker."

"You really love him huh?"

"More than anyone, of course excpet for my little brother. Theo's just my person."

He is. No matter the day, weather, mood, or year he really is the only one I want. Life is fun with him. Some people you just can't function without. I truly do not know what I'd without him. He's my favorite.

"You've never doubted that?"

"I mean we got our ups and down but I'd do it all again if it meant I would get to end up with him."

Amivi's mood took a slight somber turn. I looked at her empathically knowing she just lost the person she once thought was going to be hers forever.

"I need to get home soon."

"Okay, I drank too much to drive. I'm going to ask Theo to pick me up, do you want a ride?"

She smiled, "No I'm okay. I live kind of far, I'll order an uber."

"You sure? It's no trouble, really."

"I am."

I pulled up my phone to call Theo. After two rings he picked up, "Hey Angel."

"Can you pick me up baby? I had too much to drink, I'll come back for my car tomorrow morning. I'll send you a pin of my location."

"I just dropped off Kaz. I'm giving Rocco a ride he can drive your car back to the apartment for you and I'll take him home after."

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