43 // do you ever fucking stop talking?

Start from the beginning

Sprite curled up into a ball on Theo's lap, closing his eyes. Parker looked over at me making sure he didn't move too much, "I think this is the best decision of our life."

"He is cute," I agreed.

I watched as Parker lightly pet our dog with a small smile on his face.

I'm going to marry this man.

Mark my words.

The idea kind of terrifies me. What if he wakes up one day and realizes he doesn't love me? Or slowly falls out of love with me while I'm just oblivious?

I'm psyching myself out.

I know Theo loves me; he reminds me of it every chance he gets.

Time and time again people show me I'm not an easy person to love. No one is really. Some people are too loud and others are too quiet, messy, closed off, or immature are all the things that can make people hard to love.

"What are you thinking about?" Parker's voice tore me from my thoughts.

"Nothing," I smiled over at him.

He smiled back at me and I felt my heart starting to race once again.

The things I would change about myself for him if it meant loving me was an easier thing to do.


Me: Coke or lemonade?

Kazzle: Cocaine

Me: Okay

I tucked my phone into my pocket ordering the drinks that I waited in the long ass line for. It's Parker's final game of the season and I got thirsty. I waited until halftime even though I knew it would be hell.

Ten seconds after saying my order, two drinks were in my hands. "I'm sorry. I asked for two cokes; you gave me lemonade in this cup," I informed them seeing a yellow liquid through the lid instead of a brown one.

The worker eyed me for a second, "Next in line!"

Fuck you too.

I turned to give the person behind me an apologetic smile before facing forward again, "Can I please get one other Coke?"

Sighing, they walked and then returned with the drink. I thanked them walking away, I could hear him muttering about me under his breath as he thought I couldn't hear him.

"That guy's a dick, huh?" Someone said to me, making me pause.

Looking to my side I saw a guy I didn't recognize looking at me, "I guess."

"Must hate his job," he continued, trying to carry on the conversation.

"Don't we all."

He smiled, "That's true." Holding out a hand to me he introduced himself.

I looked down at the three drinks in my hands before back at him, "Camilla. I got to get back to my seat and brother."

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