048 | Truth's Out

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"Keep this handy," Cisco told Joe as they stood in the foyer of the precinct, Haylee placed the wand on the podium. "We mean it, Joe. Don't go playing the big hero," Haylee told him sternly. "It'll protect you from Mardon's powers," Cisco told him. "Yeah, you two, I got it," Joe told them before turning to walk into the office room. "Hey, Joe..." Cisco spoke, Joe turned to look at him. "I know you got a lot going on right now, but... you mentioned Doctor Wells might have had something to do with Barry's mother's murder. Why did you think that?" Cisco asked him.

"Oh, it doesn't matter. I was wrong," Joe answered while Haylee looked at Cisco noticing the worried glint in his eyes. "But you seemed really sure of it," Cisco replied. "Look, Cisco, I can't talk about this right now, okay?" Joe asked him. Cisco sighed and nodded before looking at Haylee. "Come on, let's go," Haylee told him before they made their way over to the elevator as others walked out of it. Haylee nudged Cisco when the two of them spotted Mark Mardon walk out of the elevator, Haylee went to follow but Cisco stopped her.

"What are you doing?" Haylee asked Cisco as the elevator closed. "You can't risk revealing yourself, I'll call Barry," Cisco told her as he pressed on Barry's contact name. "But what if he?" Haylee asked before closing her eyes, she knew Cisco was right and she could only hope that Barry gets there in time. "Barry will handle it, Haylee. Just keep calm," Cisco assured her. "I am calm, Cisco," Haylee replied. "Then why are the lights flickering?" Cisco asked her. Haylee looked over and then looked down at herself, seeing little sparks flowing over her.


Haylee and Cisco sat at the main desk with matching frowns on their faces as they thought about Mardon attacking the precinct. "All right, you two, I'm heading home," Caitlin told them as she grabbed her bag before looking at them. "Cisco? Haylee?" Caitlin tried to get their attention as Haylee focused heavily on the schematics of the forcefield contraption that was made to catch Reverse-Flash. "All right, fine, I will watch every episode of The Walking Dead with both of you," Caitlin said but it didn't get the reaction she was looking for.

She walked up to the two of them and rested her hands on their shoulders with a motherly sigh. "Hey, you two couldn't have stopped Mardon from attacking the police station, especially with the risk of revealing yourself, Haylee. It's neither of your faults," Caitlin assured then as she squeezed their shoulders. "No, that's not it," Cisco said before glancing at Haylee who nodded along with him as she turned to Caitlin. "What do you think of Dr Wells?" Haylee asked Caitlin. "What do you mean?" Caitlin asked them.

"I mean, do you think he's capable of doing something bad?" Cisco asked her. "Is this because of what Barry said he heard?" Caitlin asked him. "Ever since the Particle Accelerator exploded, there's always someone who's got it in for Dr Wells," Caitlin told the two of them. "No, no, it's more than that. Joe said that maybe Dr Wells was somehow involved in Barry's mother's death and her murder," Cisco explained to Caitlin. "That's absurd," Caitlin told them while crossing her arms against her chest.

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