"How about putting your father back in prison, for one?"

"Elijah, I'm not sure if I should be driving you home or to a mental asylum," Kaeden said, looking like he was about to bang his head against the steering wheel.

"What? It's a good plan," he defended. "You're the one who said i wasn't being there for you. Well, this is me being there for you by putting that bastard back where he belongs."

"It's an insane plan that will most likely end up not working," Kaeden said, looking at Elijah from sides of his eyes. "And I'm not interested in letting him ruin my life because of that one stupid picture. Which he will if this goes wrong."

"Kade, it won't go wrong," Elijah said. "But if you don't put a stop to this, it'll get worse, and that's a fact. So unless you're willing to just let him go on, we're doing this."

"And just how many laws are you and I breaking in this thing?"

Elijah smiled, the smile that said there was more to it than Kaeden knew.

"Not just us," he said. "We're gonna need help to pull this."

"No," Kaeden said immediately. "I'm not involving anyone in this. It's too risky."

"Then I guess it's too bad I asked Dean to bring Chris, Nate and Allen. I didn't tell him why though, so if you don't wanna do this, think of a good cover story," Elijah shrugged. "But this chance won't come again, so if you wanna live the rest of your life without worrying about that sick man, because no matter what you say, even once you leave for college, he won't leave you alone, you should do this."

Kaeden sighed, keeping one hand on the wheel as he rubbed the other against his eyes. "You've really thought this through, haven't you?" he asked, pulling into the driveway of Elijah's house.

And sure enough, Dean's and Allen's cars were parked there already.

"When do I not," Elijah grinned as they got out. "C'mon, we have a plan to explain."

They went inside, Kaeden still shaking his head in disbelief.

Inside, Dean, Allen and Nate were sitting on the couch, most likely having used the key Dean knew was usually hidden in his backyard.

"Before any of you say anything, I don't wanna talk about it yet," Elijah stated, before anyone could say a word. "Please, just not now."

"Done," Allen said.

"Thanks," he smiled, relieved.

His eyes met Dean's, and he smiled. Dean's eyes held a question, one Elijah could read perfectly well, having felt that hesitation, that doubt himself so many times.

He gave him a small nod, and instantly, Dean was in front of him, pulling him in for a kiss.

He heard Allen squeal, and Nate grunt in surprise, before a small chuckle escaped his lips.

A few seconds later, Chris cleared his throat. "Are you going to tell us why you needed us here, or do we need to watch the whole deal?" he asked. Dean pulled away from Elijah to shoot his brother a glare, who raised his hands. "Hey, I'm just saying, atleast let us grab the popcorn."

Elijah rolled his eyes, but Kaeden cut in.

"Wait, he knew before me?"

"They both knew before me?" Allen chimed in, feigning offense.

"We have more important things to discuss," Elijah rolled his eyes.

"Wait... I just have one question? How the fuck did I not know you're gay?" Nate asked Dean, still looking a bit shocked.

Allen smacked his shoulder. "That's rude."

Dean rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "I'm bi, dumbass. You didn't know because you've only ever seen me with girls," Dean stated the obvious.

At that, Elijah's grip on his arm tightened, the idea of him being with another girl making him uncomfortable.

Christian noticed, shooting him a smirk.

"Can we get to work now?" Elijah asked, trying to ignore the heat crawling up his neck.

"What is the work, exactly?" Nate asked, raising his eyebrows.

Elijah looked at Kaeden, letting him make the choice, though he already knew what it would be.

Kaeden sighed, sitting down on the couch almost reluctantly, but started talking anyway.

"So, um, it's my dad?" he said, but it sounded more like a question. "He's... back to the way he was..."

He clearly wasn't sure how to word it, but it didn't take long for the others to catch onto his meaning.

"Son of a bitch," Allen muttered. "I knew I should've murdered him that first day."

Kaeden smiled, looking amused. "I'd rather you not go to prison. Which, by the way, might end up happening anyway if we do what we're about to do."

"But if it works," Elijah cut in, "which it will, his father will be back in prison in the next few hours."

"Right where he belongs," Christian finished, a small, devious grin on his face. "So from what you two said, we get to put that bastard behind bars again, maybe commit a crime or two in the process, I'm guessing, and in a few hours? I'm in."

"Hell yeah," Nate said, and Allen nodded.

Elijah turned to Dean, who planted a small kiss on his temple. "If you're doing it, I'm doing it," he said, and Elijah almost melted on the spot.

"You guys don't even know what you're agreeing to yet!" Kaeden exclaimed, looking at them like they had all gone insane.

"You're an idiot if you think anything you ask us to do to get rid of that man will make us back out," Allen rolled her eyes.

"Let's do this then," Elijah said, and they all agreed.

Hey guys!

Thoughts on the chapter?? Any guesses on what they're planning to do?

See you soon!

Ps: The next chapter is gonna get a bit crazy, and there are probably (definitely) going to be things that would never work in real life, but I think they'll fit the story.

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