The New Doctor

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It has been 3 weeks of nothing but guards. 3 weeks I didn't see my friend. And by this time, I had given up. Every time a guard would walk in my heart would sink. My stomach would growl at the sight of the food, but my appetite would leave. I don't know how, but it always seemed to get colder each time another gard entered. Until one day, when I hear voices outside the door. My heart leapt but I don't dare move, for fear the sound would disappear. And then it happened, "buzzzz" the door started to swing open. I saw it, the white coat, the shoes, a hand and... It. wasn't. him. In came a tall man with short black hair, no glasses, but the same blue shirt. He walked over to the middle of the room and with a much deeper, rough voice said, "Hi, my name is Tom. I'll be looking out for you from now on." He gave a great fake numbing smile. I didn't say anything as I looked away. I was furious. "Ok... well, would you mind telling me your name?" He asked with the same disturbing smirk on his face. Silence, I refused to talk to this poser, trying to act kind. I didn't even want to look at the wretched creature in the room, as I hugged my knees to my chest. "Dr Kent said you liked to draw," he said trying to get something out of me, "would you like to share with me some of your art?" He started to walk over to me trying to catch a glimpse of my face. I continued to keep my head turned away spinning as he got closer, but making sure he was at my side and not my back. "Ok. Maybe next time" said the 'keet' or in your tongue, the evil. He did not leave me food like falos neon did. Instead, he left without another word.

Every day the same thing. He would come in try to get to me to do something, anything. And I would give him day he got too close, so I jumped at him. He fell on the floor right on his butt, scared to death. The gards came in and helped him out. After that I didn't see him for about a week.

In the in-between time my mind would escape home. I would dream of seeing my world again one more time. I would imagine running in the meadow with the soft silver grass under my hooves, and soaring through the sky with the suns on my wings and glistening off my pearlescent horn. Just the thought of the wind combing through every silky feather was a way to escape my grey cage. Some days I would sing the songs of home. Some were sung happy, some to remember the losses in life. my hair was getting longer by the day. The brown mop was now so long it reached my waist. The robe they put me in was filthy. They refused to get me a new one unless I participated in their little games, but I didn't care. My sadness was starting to turn into rage, until one day it was released.

The 'keet' came in my prison poking and prodding me with questions. Slowly my rage started to boil in my chest. I was able to hold it back day after day, until he touched me. I had had enough. I was on the mat they called a bed, he touched my shoulder and in a bind rage I attacked. My head snapped to glare on his eyes. He understood me now. My eyes turned silver, as my body stood and turned to fase the menace that stood mear inches from me. Not holding back I let out a blood boiling screech as a wave of force pushed everything away. My drawings of home flew off the wall the untouched trey of food flung against the wall, as did the monster before me. After that I don't know what happened. I had blacked out after the force I used to get him off of me. I don't know what I had done yet but I would soon find out.

I woke up the next day with a splitting headache and a slight dizziness whenever I sat up. I would have gone back to sleep, but the door started to open. I thought it was just a guard, but it wasn't. It was that reached keet, it came back. He didn't look very good. One arm was bruised, and the other was in some cloth tied around his neck, keeping it in one position so it wouldn't move. I had assumed this was so it could heal. But I didn't know if I wanted it to with the look he had on his face. It was a look of disappointed anger, not the same fake smile I had seen for months. He started to talk in a huffy tone, "do you see this," he pointed to his arm in the cloth, "now my arm is in a sling, my other arm is brutally bruised, and I have a concussion. And you know what," he said picking up the trey of food I hadn't even seen yet, "I don't think you deserve this. We Will, break you beast" And he left me, to starve.

I didn't have the energy to cry, to even feel anything. For what I can only count as 10 meals, I ate nothing. Finally a guard brought in a tray of food. Once they were out I started to eat rapidly, and as quickly as it went down, it came back up. I couldn't eat as much. I started to slowly nibble on the rest of the food on the tray. My long brown hair was a tangled mess now down past my hips, and my robes were starting to tear. I was thinner than ever from crying and the loss of food. it was the same cycle every day. Eat, sleep, eat, cry, sleep, over and over again. More weeks, more months went by seeing, talking, hearing no one. My mind started to blur everything together. They had done it, his words started to echo in my head " we Will, break you beast."

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