Type-10 D.U.S.T. Close quarters melee weapon

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Name: Type-10 D.U.S.T.

Weapon type:
Double edged longsword

Copper-Depleted Uranium Alloy in composite with Spring Steel.

A dark green long sword, reminiscent of more medieval designs, though featuring a more sturdy hand guard, sharper edges, thinner blade chord, and no embellishments. Handle can be quick detached and replaced with the pole arm attachment or dual pole arm attachment for a spear or double sided spear respectively. Upon striking the blade with significant force, bright green sparks will be shed and the sword heats up thanks to Pyrophoric qualities of Depleted Uranium but also self sharpens.

With a blade length of 120 cm and a weight exceeding 5 kg, it is advised to only be wielded by physically strong individuals. A variant with a blade length of 200 cm and weight beyond 20 kg is intended to be used in conjunction with [CLASSIFIED]

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