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Feb. 23,2022

Italics - the past
Bold - screaming
Regular - the present
𝚃𝚢𝚙𝚎𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚛 - thoughts
Narrator POV

"Do you know anything about someone named Blossom?" Fez running into the freezer

"No. Why you asking?" Ashtray replied

"I don't know, man. The name just sounds mad familiar?" Fezco shrugged. "And she new in town"

"Didn't Ma'Meacheo some shit about her grandkids moving in with her? Maybe it's them" Ash said eating his lucky charms

"Nah, you think?"

Ash shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe if you would have stay talking to her you could've gotten more information."

Ashtray walked out leaving Fez confused for some reason. It wasn't his fault he couldn't talk to Blossom. Her brother, (well as what Fez assumed since they looked alike) didn't come and push her away then he could have actually talked to her.

Blossom and Jasiel finally got to their grandmas house. Taking their suitcases out the car, Ma'Meacheo came out her home to embrace her grandkids.

"Hola, mis hermosos bebés" she yelled pulling them into a tight hug
(Translation: hello, my beautiful babies)

"Abulia, I can't breathe" Jasiel choked

Their grandma let go. "Sorry, mi amor. I just missed you guys so much"

"We missed you" Blossom smiled

"Come on, come on! Let's me show you inside"

Ma'Meacheo bought then inside their new home. It looked the same as when they went when they were younger.

"We sleep in the same rooms like we were kids right?" Blossom asked her grandma.

She nodded. "Of course and if you want to redecorate the rooms, it is completely ok. You need to feel at home." Blossom smiled. "I'll leave you to it. Also, one of neighbors are coming over for dinner."

Blossom nodded. She couldn't shake her head of Fez. It sounded familiar. Like if she knew him as a kid. But she doesn't have time to think about some dude, so she started unpacking.

Blossom's POV

I finished unpacking my things and changed into different clothes. It not like I had many things. Only clothes, hygiene products, and stuff that reminded me of home. On second thought maybe I did of a lot of stuff.

Jasiel had knocked out on his bed, so I went to bother my grandma. She was cooking like she usually did.

"Qué estás cocinando?" I asked her
(Translation: what are you cooking?)

"Mangú y arroz con leche" Abulia said putting plantain in a pot.

"Thank God" I said making her smile

"Miércoles!" Abulia said slamming the ridge door. "We are out of milk and I already started making the plantanos"

"I could go to the store and get some" I offered

"Please thank you. Here's some money" she handed me the money

I was headed out the door but she stopped me. "Go to the corner store nearby, it'll be faster" I nodded and made my way down to the store

I took my bike since I didn't want be in the car any longer. In fact I almost crashed into someone with my bike.

"I'm so sorry" I apologize

"Nah, you good. I'm Rue"


"I like that name, it's pretty" Rue said

"Thanks" I blushed. No ever said my name was pretty. People always made fun of it cause of the power puff girls. Who I love dearly. "Hey by any chance do you know the corner store at?"

"Oh yeah, I was just on my way. Come on!" Rue rode away and I followed

In a few minutes we were there. Rue was pretty cool person. Told me a lot about her life even though we just met.

"So tell me why you decided to move to this town? Outta all the fuckin' towns there is" Rue asked getting off her bike

"Family problems. Plus my grandma lives here so" I shrugged

"Rue!" Fezco yelled

"Hey Fez, this is my new friend-" rue smiled at the ginger before getting cut off by him

"Blossom" he said while Rue looked confused

"We met earlier" I said

"Oh, cool cool" Rue said

"I'll be right back" I left going to get my grandma stuff

Fezco POV

I watched Blossom walk away. Her hips moving side to side.

"Stop staring. It's weird" Rue said

"I wasn't staring" I defended myself

"Yes, you were. But I get it she's hot." Rue laughed

Me and rue talked for awhile. Catching up on things. I even told her about this new girl in town that looks like sailor moon.

"Uh, but low-key, is Ashtray in the back?

"Are you serious?"

"What, you think 'cause I went to rehab, I stayed clean?" Rue said starting to walk away

"I mean, ain't that the point?"

"Yeah, well, the world's coming to an end, and I haven't even graduated high school yet." Rue shrugged walking away to Ashtray

"I got my stuff, Rue. You ready?" Blossom asked her

"Yeah just give me a second. You should talk to Fez over here" Rue pushed the girl towards me and then giving me a thumbs up

We sat in awkward silence for awhile. Waiting for one of us to talk.

"Um, you never answered my question on why you moved here?" I asked

"Uh, family problems. Just better living here right now." Blossom said with a weak smile

"Damn. That must suck"

"Yeah it does"

We went back to the awkward silence. I was about to ask another question but Rue walked back out.

"You ready to go Bloss" Rue asked the girl

"Bloss?" Blossom asked

"I know I can come up with something better" Rue said getting on her bike

"Bye Fez!" They yelled in unison

I need a better way to talk to Blossom

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