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The Gods start talking about what just happened with Harmony but Hades wasn't listening.

"Hades, this is your daughter we're talking about, pay attention." Zeus demanded.

"Something's wrong." Hades said.

"What?" Zeus asked.

"Something is wrong." Hades repeated before getting back up. "I gotta make sure she's ok."

"She's only been gone for ten minutes." Hermes pointed out.

"A lot can happen in ten minutes." Hades said before he disappeared. When he got to the hotel the door and parts of the wall has been destroyed. Hades ran over and stopped when he saw Harmony on her knees on the floor sobbing into something that's white with pink stripes.

He heartbroken sobbing from his own daughter was torture for him and as he got closer he saw she was crying into a jacket with four arms and as he looked even more closely he saw that it had spots of blood on it.

"Harmony." Hades said gently.

Harmony looked up at him and it was like she was a whole different person. Her eye makeup was running all the way down her face and the smile was completely gone.

"My adopted parents, aunts, and godfather are all gone."

Nifty was speeding around the hotel trying to find someone or at least a clue but came empty-handed. "No one is here."

"Come on." Hades carefully helped her up. "We're gonna need some help."

Two minutes later

"WHY THE FUCK WOULD I ASK THEM FOR HELP?!" Harmony screamed at Hades.

"I don't like it either kid." Hades answered.

"Correct her language you fool." Demeter scold only for Harmony to send a huge fireball right at her causing her to end up miles away and on her back that she couldn't get up.

"Bitch." Harmony growled.

"You expect us to help some demons?" Athena asked.

Harmony flamed up. "You are all no different than demons! You're all a bunch of unkies, freaks, and weirdos, creepers, fuck-ups, crooks and zeroes, downfallen superheroes, cretins, sluts and losers, sexual deviants, and boozers and prescription drug abusers, monsters, thieves, and crazies.." Harmony was stopped by Hades covering her mouth.

"Ok kiddo, I think they get your point." Hades said gently. "You know anyone that would want to hurt your family?"

"The radio demon has a long list of enemies." Harmony answered.

"Hades, we have more important things to worry about than to go chasing demons." Zeus said.

"Dare I ask like what?" Hades glared.

"Well for one we gotta get the mortals to rebuild our temples." Zeus answered.

"Told you they're fucking useless." Harmony growled.

"You did." Hades nodded before walking out with her.

"So now what?" Harmony asked.

"Maybe it's time I asked a few favors." Hades grinned.

Hades took her back to the House of Mouse and up to the villain's table. "Villians who wants to bust some heads?"  

Hazbins at the House of MouseWhere stories live. Discover now