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Your Majesty," Edward started as he walked briskly over to the dining table and bowed deeply. "My greatest apologies for my tardiness."

The queen glanced at the man, eyes sparkling with mischief. "You are excused," she said before changing to a teasing tone. "However, I do hope this does not become a habit."

"Never, your Majesty."

The queen took a bite of light vanilla cake, closing her eyes as she relished the taste. "The king unfortunately could not make it to tea," she told her companion. "He is quite busy with his work. A new decree, I hear he is making." After a moment, she gestured to a servant at the kitchen entrance. "Bring my friend a cup of wine won't you? And a plate, if you please? The cake is to die for."

"Your Majesty, I do not want to interrupt your meal," Edward protested halfheartedly.

"Nonsense," the queen argued, silencing him at once. "You know I hate dining alone." She took a sip from her wine glass, leaving a pink lipstick stain on the golden rim.

The servant came back and swiftly placed a golden plate and goblet at the seat to the right from where the queen sat at foot head of the table.

"Come. Sit," the queen instructed. She took the bottle of rich wine and poured enough to fill Edward's cup just below the rim as Edward took his seat.

The seat was cushioned with deep red velvet, which contrasted greatly from the pastel orange walls of the grand dining room. The chandelier overhead was completely lit, though there was little point as the sun streamed through the floor length, opened windows that lined the walls.

It was mid afternoon, only a few hours before dinner, yet the queen had an insatiable appetite and chose to eat cake around this time nearly every day, while the king joined her when he could.

Edward watched in amusement as the queen cut a thick slice of cake and delicately set it on his plate. When she licked the powder pink icing from the cake spatula, he chuckled.

"What?" The queen asked.

"Nothing." He took a bite of his slice.

"No, now I'm curious," she whined. "What ever made you laugh?"

Edward laughed. "Just... the little things you do," he answered.

The queen apparently accepted that answer and ate another bite of cake. She scratched at the icing and crumbs absentmindedly with her fork.

"You look stunning this afternoon," Edward said.

The queen's painted cheeks turned an even deeper shade of pink. "Thank you." She hid her face behind her wine glass, taking a sip, then spoke with more confidence. "It's a new dress, see, the silk came straight from China."

The pastel blue dress matched the queen's sparkling blue eyes. Dainty white lace trimmed her sweeping neckline. She was the epitome of perfection with her hair pulled up with ribbons and a pendant tied around her neck with a silky ribbon in a deep shade of blue.

"It's very nice," Edward told her.

"Yes, I like it quite a bit. I'm considering wearing it to my afternoon tea with the king in a few days."

Edward grumbled. "Let's not discuss the king right now."

The queen cast Edward a teasing smile. "Then what would you like us to discuss, my dear friend?"

"Well, I wouldn't mind talking about you for a while, my dear queen."

The queen's round cheeks went back into that deep shade of pink which never failed to make her look even more lovely. She cleared her throat and stood from her seat, Edward following suit. "Let us go for a stroll through the gardens. I do like how the flowers look at this time of day," she suggested.

Of Cake and Secret AffairsWhere stories live. Discover now