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song: stay by rihanna

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Rubble dusted around what was once Westchester County. It hadn't been too impactful to the locals, per se. But that didn't mean that the whole of New York could feel the overwrought devastation that radiated from Peter Maximoff. He had lost the love of his life; all felt like an unreality now she was gone.

It couldn't be right, could it?

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"Maybe in another life." She said, laughing at him.

"Nu-uh! This life!"

"Peter-" she sighed, head in her hands as the speedster presented to her what could only be described as the dumbest thing she'd ever seen.

His stubbornness took over him as he mirrored her tone, "Elsie."

"Apple? What kind of business name is that!" Elsie cried, resting backwards as she gathered her dark hair behind her in a single toe, "I'm telling you, this won't work out."

"You don't know that!"

"Trust me!"

"All I'm saying-" Peter interrupted, hands up in 'defence', "-is that we should at least try convince C-Man to let us invest. If it works out, it works out. If not... well it will so we don't have to worry about that."

"Who even is this Steve anyway."

"Which Steve?"

Elsie took a moment to take in the scene she was seeing; Peter Maximoff with laid out graphs and a huge conspiracy board with supporting factors on why the x-men should invest in this stupid company.

She had met Peter just over three years ago, in 1973, shortly after he had helped break Erik Lehnsherr out of the pentagon he arrived at the mansion.

Considering the way their mutations collided with one another, they trained together almost everyday.

Oh, the beauty of the butterfly effect.

If it weren't for that one student who had blocked Elsie's way to one of her lectures, she wouldn't have took the long way round past Charles' office, where him and Peter were going over his assigned classes and then who he would be training with. Charles never would've spotted her and purpose the idea otherwise.

It wasn't too long before they had both admitted their feelings for one another...

...definitely didn't take them almost two years

"You're lucky I love you, Pete."

No matter how many times he heard the words from her, Peter melted everytime,

"I love you too, Els."

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She's gone

There's no bringing her back, Peter

You need to let her go

She's in the afterlife

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