Chapter 2

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The streets were filled with the oppressed masses, the stench of them filled the air on this sultry day. Grantaire was watching from the side of the stage from which Marius and sweet Enjolras were inspiring the people. He had only come because at these rallies he did not look out of place if he spent long periods of time gazing into Enjolras' eyes. In his eyes he could see a flame brighter and more everlasting than the sun, the flame of an end to see, a cause to die for. The only person he would die for was Enjolras.

He took one of his occasional glances around the audience. Across from him he saw a girl with the same love in her eyes he felt, a love bitter for it was unrequited yet sweet for it purified the soul. He followed the line of her gaze and traced it to Marius! He'd never heard Marius speak of a female friend. His curiosity was aroused, he sidled his way slowly towards her.


Eponine jumped slightly, not pleased to be awakened for her pleasant dream. In front of her she beheld a man of average height with sparkling but sad blue eyes, slightly disarranged brown locks and a notulant attitude as betrayed by the hands dug deep into his pockets and his carelessly arranged clothing.

"Hello, I do not believe I know you." Eponine used her depressing tone towards him but he was not so easily fazed.

"No, but I've seen you at so many of our rallies that I feel I practically know you. I'm Grantaire, friend of Marius whom I believe you know." Grantaire was pleased to see a delicate blush rise to her cheeks at his words.

"I'm Eponine and you must know I only come because I am dedicated to the cause!"

"Me too." He murmured these words softly to himself but Eponine heard and in a flash of brilliance and by following his eyes understood. She gave a slight intake of breath but did not shrink from him or say that he was a freak as he feared she would when he saw she understood.

"You love Enjolras!"

Grantaire sighed softly "Yes, but not so loud. And you love Marius, both are cases could be called hopeless don't you think?"

"Yes, I think so."

"Do you judge me? I cannot help it you know. I love him and that’s all there is to it." Grantaire studied Eponine's face intently for a sign.

It took her a minute to answer. "No. Love is love."

"Thank you, I wish you luck with Marius, he shall find none better nor more devoted than you."

The rally sharply broke up at that moment and the students retired to their base (ABC Cafe).

"Grantaire who was the girl you were talking to? You have kept her mighty quiet!" It was Courfeyrac who spoke and Grantaire shot him a glance of hatred.

"I do not know her really, she is just some girl I met." He glanced at Enjolras from beneath his eyelashes to see if he could detect any sign of jealously or even interest, but no, he was absorbed in his work as always.

"Of course you don't," grinned Courfeyrac. "Let us drink a toast to Grantaire's girlfriend, what’s-her-name!"

"Who’s this?" It was Marius who spoke, him having just entered the room.

"Her name is Eponine and she is NOT my girlfriend!"

"Really? I didn't know you knew her." Marius asked absently, not the attitude of a man even slightly in love reflected Grantaire. Poor Eponine.

Grantaire, put that bottle down!Where stories live. Discover now