Step 1: Visit His Bookshop and Buy a Book

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 Step 1: Visit His Bookshop and Buy a Book

The bell rang softly as I pushed open the door to the bookshop.

 “Wait, Hazel stop!” Amber grabbed my arm, causing the door to thud shut.

 I sighed.  “Dude, you pulled me all the way over here, please don’t freak out now!  Look, you don’t even need to say anything to him, just walk in and pretend to look at a book!”

 Amber looked at me desperately.  “Oh Hazel, help me!  I’ll make a fool of myself, I know it!”

 “Fine”, I retorted, “We’ll just go shopping!” I turned to walk away.

 “Wait!” Amber cried.  I paused, and she sighed, “I’ll try”.

 I smirked, “Okay, let’s go in.  And don’t worry, I’ll be there”.

 “The bell rung again as we made our second attempt to enter the bookstore.  I felt Amber’s clutch on my arm tighten, and she made an almost inaudible squeal.

 Amber’s big brown eyes immediately darted towards the counter, where Robbie Evans, her hopelessly attractive crush, stood, scanning a Maeve Binchy novel for an elderly lady.

Robbie handed the woman her change, and he looked up from the counter, noticing us.  I saw that Amber was still staring like an idiot.  I tugged my arm out of her grasp, which made her wake up a bit.  I groaned at the red grooves that Amber’s nails had made in my skin, and quickly grabbed a book off of the shelf, shoving it in front of Amber’s face.    

 “Huh?” Amber remarked, but then she realized the situation. 

 She mouthed Oh! at me, and began inspecting the cover.

 I looked around to see that Robbie was still watching us, and cleared my throat.

“So, you’d like to get that book, huh Amber?” I exclaimed.

  Amber raised her eyebrows questioningly,and flipped the book around so that I could see it.  I was met by the shiny cover of a Star Wars fan-fiction.

 I giggled, and quickly guided Amber away from the kids’ section, replacing her book with the latest issue of my favourite magazine: Bliss.  Amber took one look and rolled her eyes.

 “Come on, buy it for me pleeease?” I begged.  “Besides, it would look better if you appeared to be a standard sixteen year old girl rather than a crazy science geek”, I winked.

 Amber sighed, “Fine”, she said, smirking.  She turned to go to the counter, but then she realized that Robbie was standing there waiting and she spun back around.

“Mayyybe you could just buy it!” she whispered.

 I smirked.  “Naww, I’m too busy looking at these other books over here”, I gestured beside me without looking.  “You go ahead!”

 Amber gulped and glared at me.

 “Fine”.  She scuttled up to the counter as I pretended to be engrossed in an Enid Blyton novel that I’d absentmindedly picked off of a shelf.

“Erm hey there”, Robbie said, in his thick American accent.

 “Hi”, Amber replied, I could practically hear her heart sizzling with excitement inside her chest.  I silently groaned.

 “Do you want to buy a book?” Robbie said slowly.

 Amber broke out of her daze.  “Oh! Yea, please”, she handed him over the magazine.

 Robbie took the book from Amber, scanned the price, and placed it in a bag.

“That’ll be two-ninety-nine please!” Robbie held out a hand, and Amber quickly scuffled around in her purse for the money.  She shoved a crumpled note into Robbie’s hand, accepted the change and, flushing furiously, she turned and strode towards the shop door.

 “Wait!”  Robbie called out.

 Amber turned to give me an alarmed look, before turning back around.

 “You forgot your magazine!” He held out the bag.

 Amber rolled her eyes and I steered her back towards the counter.

 Amber grasped the bag and tried to take it, but Robbie held his grip.

 “Hey, do I know you from somewhere?”

 Amber’s eyes widened.  “Erm…noooo!” she squealed.

 Robbie released his grip on the bag and shrugged.

 “Well…have a nice day!”

 Amber nodded and spun me back around.  We practically ran out of the shop, and continued down the street, giggling the whole way.


Wow i can't believe i'm postingg! Thank you sooo much for reading this far! 

This is my first wattpad book and i know its not perfect but it WILL get better so please give it a chance and keep reading!

Pleeease comment/vote/fan XD xoxo

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