oral presentation english 23rd feb 2022

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planning and structuring your oral presentation

most importantly what is your topic?

stunt driving

provide three reasons as to why you chose this topic for your oral presentation.

-most people think of death when stunt driving is mentioned so im gonna teach what people don't know about this dangerous but fun job/hobby that takes time to realize how much time and effort it goes into learning these tricks

-most people think its only men doing stunt driving but there are many famous woman who are known for stunt driving

-when you think of stunt driving most people thing it only occurs in a funny closed vehicle (car) but there are also motorbike stunt drivers.

what is the aim or purpose of your presentation?

(Your teachers do this whenever they write up a 'Learning Intention' on the whiteboard- think of it that way- what are you trying to teach us?)

what are your main points?

-the gear used to protect those who either do stunt driving or casual riding

-most people only think men do stunt driving due to how dangerous it is but thats not true there are many woman who actually got famous and popular from stunt driving

-how long the training takes and the cost to actually go to stunt driving school just to get the job

how will you make sure your audience understands and can follow your presentation?

-ill add pictures, short videos, and i'll break down anything that may not make sense if the person whos confused doesn't understand since they're new to the topic

-i'll make sure i'm not talking too fast or too slow

-ill make sure its descriptive so nothings missed

how do you make sure your information is presented in a logical way?

- ill have cue cards with as much important information i need to make sure i dont miss anything and ill make sure i dont have useless words in there and its all just important for me to check back and make sure i didnt miss it.

- dont say uhm, uh, and, like, so and all those little words to fill in if you do not know what to say as ill have cue cards with important information so i should be able to just keep going without taking a break

- ill try to see if i can bring in any of the gear i have and if i cant ill just print out a photo of my gear to showcase it to the class so they at least have a close up look to the gear instead of just having to imagine it as who knows what they might be thinking while im presenting

planning/actual presentations 


you hear that? i dont either its just silence besides me talking. now lets take this to another scene lets say a movie set or maybe a very dangerous driving course. why are we imagining that were at this driving course well thats because were gonna talk about stunt driving. what is stunt driving? stunt driving is when the driver (known as a stunt driver) is following precise instructions in the course directed by the director. Now before you all start yawning no stunt driving isn't only done in a car. it can also be done in a motorbike, a tank, snowmobile or even a motorised couch.

point 1:

for anyone who owns a motorcycle or dirtbike you would know the safest option is to be wearing protective gear from head to feet. *pull out the gear and showcase it* the appropriate footwear for motocross covers both your feet and shins incase of obstacles. for road legal bikes boots would do the trick if you dont want to buy the motocross ones. gloves are appropriate as they have padding on the knuckles and fingers incase of a crash. the jackets for riding come with padding in the shoulder and elbow areas for protection for crashes

point 2:

you probably are wondering if there are any female stunt drivers. while there may be few due to how stunts are a man dominated career it doesnt mean the stuntwomens dont exist. lets talk about wendy leech for example. shes one of the most successful and famous stunt woman wendy leech. she stunted in many movies (around 32) such as; mary poppins returns (2018), wonder woman (2017), now you see me 2 (2016), red 2(2013), jack ryan: shadow recruit (2014), the world is not enough (1999), tomorrow never dies (1997), entrapment (1999), total recall (1990), four weddings and a funeral (1994), indiana jones and the raiders of the lost ark (1981), indiana jones and the temple of doom (1984), indiana jones and the last crusade (1989), frantic (1988), empire of the sun (1987), legend (1985), lace II (1985), never say never again (1983), curse of the pink panther (1983), krull (1983), star wars: episode VI - return of the jedi (1983), star wars: episode IV - a new hope (1977), superman (1978), superman II (1980), superman III (1983), for your eyes only (1981), ivanhoe (1982), the new avengers (tv series 1976), invitation to the wedding (1985), the omen (1976), dune (1984), and de prooi (1985). shes the daughter of stuntman george leech. married to indiana jones stuntman vic armstrong. she began stunts in movies during the mid-1970s. (shes around 72 now)

point 3:

stunt driving isnt only flips, chases and barrel rolls as shown in movies. it includes precise driving that must be repeated until the shots are successful. stunt drivers will often have a background in racing as this can help with high speed car control. (if the backgrounds drifting not essential) must be 18 or older to apply. drivers must know the basics. (drifting, handbrake turns, j-turns, flips, barrel rolls, driving on two wheels and jumps) whenever you can you want to make sure that you experience as many vehicles as you can it will make you on set more during films/movies/tv shows etc. having more knowledge to use other vehicles other than just one will make you more likely to star in more shows. depending what school youre either wishing to attend or already at they can vary prices. would be around $250 or more for one driver. the average amount of money australian stunt drivers make yearly are from anywhere around ​​over $58,000 per year, most experience make up to over $78,000 per year. depending on whatever movie/show you're staring in these prices can go a lot higher.


hopefully now youll be able to look at a movie or tv show and when you see someone stunting you can actually recognise how much time and effort this person but into their job and that its not all greenscreened. 

que cards;

actual version is on a google doc with a table to cut out.


stunt driving is when the driver (known as a stunt driver) is following precise instructions in the course directed by the director. stunt driving isn't only done in a car it can also be done on a motorbike, in a tank or even on a snowmobile. its the stunt drivers expertise that helps make the trajectory (which specifies the wait time for the driver) and performance of the vehicle plus the safety of the cast and crew.

1) what gear do stunt drivers or just any bikers wear? for anyone who owns a motorcycle or dirtbike you would know the safest option is to be wearing protective gear from head to feet. *pull out the gear and showcase it* talk about the gear; jacket, gloves, helmets, shoes, pants.

2) woman stunt drivers, one of the most successful and famous stuntwoman wendy leech. she stunted in many movies (around 32) such as; wonder woman, red 2, jack ryan, first 3 indiana jones, superman 3, star wars return of the jedi and so much more. shes the daughter of stuntman george leech. married to indiana jones stuntman vic armstrong. she began stunts in movies during the mid-1970s. (shes around 72 now)

3) training. must be 18 or older to apply. drivers must know the basics. (drifting, handbrake turns, j-turns, flips, barrel rolls, driving on two wheels and jumps) experience as many vehicles will make you on set more. depending what school they vary prices. around $250+ (1 person). average over $58,000 per year, most experience make up to over $78,000 per year.

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