Chapter 15-Our Future

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After seeing what would have become him or well what did happen to him in a different universe he never trusted techno and never would unless by some miracle he tried and apologized to everything and everyone about his actions but not his "dad" he left them how can he forgive him for leaving

"This will be the last one it will show your future," Eco said looking slightly happy

The screen turns on

Tommy went into the screen with Tubbo

Tommy saw his future self in aww he looks so cool he was near 6'7

Tubbo himself just got happy that he got to grow to a near 6'1 still short but hey he gets what he gets

Ranboo was just wondering where he was

"Hey dad," Said a teenage shroud

Tommy just saw how grown-up his son is being near 5'11

"Hey shroud what's wrong," Tommy said standing up and speaking showing off his muscular build and a white streak of hair and a deep almost monotone voice

Tommy just saw his future self looked badass and this was him

"Michael got Uncle Bo's bee's out again," Shroud said making Tubbo also stand up to show his horns now curled and look stronger again muscular, and taller

"That kid is gonna get grounded again," Tubbo says his voice not as deep as Tommy's but still

Tubbo himself liked how his future self looked like now where was Ranboo

Then a ghost with a half-something and half-enderman showed

Ranboo's heart sink seeing a ghost version of himself

"Hey boo what's wrong," Tubbo said to his husband

"Well manage to get Micheal before he escaped and did some house chores," Ghostboo said

Making all now adults laugh

"Hey, Ran do you want to be revived? We got the book now since Tubbo literally beat it out of Dream" Tommy said

"Damn Tubbo beat the shit out of Dream L," Tommy says making everyone laugh except Dream who now knows his only source of power is gone

"Nah if I get revived I'll forget everything now that I'm dead I remember everything," Ghostboo says

That made Ranboo think if this version of him remembers everything does that means it's still him

Both adults just shrugged

"Yeah besides you got a backbone now Ranboob," Tommy says snickering at that joke that's been dead for a few years

"It will never die," Tommy says looking at Ranboo who just came to turns of his ghost accepting how he is and knowing it's still him

They walked to the mansion to see Purpled trying to organize the closet and Michael just sitting on the couch

Ranboo and Tubbo saw how grown Michael is he really did look strong and mature

"Hey Dad, Pa" Michael greeted his father's

"Hey Tommy " Purpled greeted

"Hey Purp," Tommy says crossing his arms to reveal a wedding ring

"I'm married!" Tommy yelled making both Techno and Phil look sad knowing they missed out on the wedding

Purpled just saw his future self he looked more like punz not muscularly buff like Tommy but a slim build and he had his brother's golden chain

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