Chapter 4-Dreams of peace/an interlude

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Tommy POV

So I may or may not be freaking out most of the server was still asleep for who knows who long thanks god I notice it and took them to one of the few people who aren't asleep ponk who just IV feed them saying that's all he can do since their healthy so I just took care of the kids with bad making a list who is awake

-George(for once)
-and the kids

And that's everyone well there dream but we said fuck him and don't IV fed him for here I am making sure the kids do t harm or brake any bones with bad and trying not to swear mainly for shroud doesn't pick up a cursing habit and for the other kids as well

"Hey bad I'm going to go cook," I told him while he's trying to deal with Micheal and foolish Jr trying to play fight

"Ok make something not that heavy since it's still breakfast time" bad said still cooing at the kids just being kids I just went to the kitchen and started to cook my great-nephew yogurt came

"Hello uncle Tommy" yogurt said

"Hi yogurt wanna help me cook," I ask my nephew he just nodded hopefully everyone will wake up soon

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