But they have known each other for 25 years. Lu Sujun didn't believe in this evil, and under great pressure, he smiled and said,

“I heard it from some people with broken mouths, didn't it? But I have not made any military achievements this year, and the royal family did not give me the opportunity to choose slaves. I happen to be missing a few slaves... I think this slave is very pleasing to the eye, and you personally selected it. It must be good... Can't you give it to me? ”

The last sentence has been subtly colored with the request. Who knows——

“No. "Rong Wan directly showed boredom and unhappiness on his face.

In fact, he was originally prepared for severe pain in his left brain, but the expected pain did not come.

It seems that Lu Jing did not treat Lu Sujun so well-at least in this relationship, Lu Sujun has more wishful thinking.

The atmosphere in the room was silent for a while. The expression on Lu Sujun's face froze completely. No?

He said bluntly no?

For this slave, Jing didn't even want to perfunctory him? Even if he was playing Tai Chi, he promised to give it to him first, and then made excuses to come back in a few days-but Jing refused to even do this, regardless of his face?

Moreover, after spitting out this monosyllable, Jing directly showed that he was in a bad mood, and continued to eat pastries with a knife and fork blankly, never looking at him again.

The setting sun has fallen outside the floor-to-ceiling windows. Lu Sujun stared stiffly at Jing's handsome but slightly gloomy side face.

He had long been accustomed to Zhu Jing's uncertain weather, sometimes gentle and sometimes cold, but he didn't feel anything before, and even he felt that Jing was more attractive.

At least, Zhu Jing treats him very special, and he has never even had a gentle side to others.

But now he is not sure. He had the illusion that Jing was more attentive to this slave than him.

There was a raging jealousy burning in his heart, which could not be relieved at all.

At the same time, Jin Zhao was as stiff as a puppet, staring at Rong Wan with pale and morbid eyes. ——

He is mentally prepared, but he is just discarded at will. What does it matter. I'm used to it, aren't I? ——

It is his ridiculous illusion to think that the admiral did not treat him as a monster.

Even if he struggles and resists, he is no match for the fact that no one is willing to accept him.

He has been like this since he was born, and he hasn't given up yet, which is the most ridiculous thing. But. ——

“No. ”

Treating such a weapon-like and pitiful monster-like thing, that person did not abandon it, but declared his ownership.

But what use can it be to keep him? Even when he heard this monosyllable, he thought the admiral was joking.

But that's not a joke. For an instant, his mind buzzed like an old and disrepair.

Unexpectedly, the transaction that was treated as a cargo did not come. All that came was a rejection that could not be ignored-no.

He stared at Rong Wan in silence, his pale face made him look gloomy, but in his dark eyes, something seemed to jump.

Those eyes stared at Rong Wan's neck, with a bit more gloomy expression-perhaps there was also the crazy desire to take root and grow hidden in the depths.

He was extremely humble, and he thought extremely despicably——

——He really doesn't want to leave. ——

Even if it was used as a weapon, he didn't want to leave.


When he just woke up, he hadn't realized what was going on. He rubbed his eyes, still a little confused and at a loss.

With his beautiful dark eyes open, he looked at the shadows of the trees all around in horror, like a weird crow. Teeth and claws.

His parents were gone, and there was nothing on him, no note, no blanket to keep warm, and not even any food left.

He struggled to get up, looked around, and called his parents' names in a small voice.

He didn't dare to speak too loudly for fear of attracting those who were chasing him.

Panic and helplessness flashed in his wide, moist eyes, and he staggered towards the depths of the woods. But no, I searched all the places, and there was no sign of any parents.

He fell and got up quickly, and many blood marks were quickly drawn on his small hands.

The surroundings were as silent as a tomb, and weird tree shadows fell on the ground, like monsters that could eat him at any time.

However, he knew that the biggest monsters were not the terrible trees or the people who chased them. It's him.

He hates himself. He hid there for a full month, feeding on grass insects, his clothes quickly became ragged, and cocoons quickly grew on his small hands.

But he did not dare to leave, he was afraid that once he left, his parents who came back would not be able to find him.

Perhaps they didn't abandon him, but only left briefly? However, when the hunters found the cave where he was hiding and laughed wildly with excitement, he saw his parents at the end of the abomination crowd.

Those two pale and tired faces, but they also matched the smiling faces of the upper-class soldiers, how familiar they were before, and how strange they are now.——

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