Chapter 2

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A'mari pov

My daddy just came back with are pjs for are movie day. I took a shower putting them on and he put my hair in a messy bun.

Daddy. I love you

Me. I love you to

Daddy. If I ever die just know that I'm watching over u and I love u sooooo much

Me. Daddy your scaring me

He kissed my forehead

Daddy. Don't be scared

Me. I love you daddy

Daddy. I love you to princess

He put a movie on and poped the popcorn.

Daddy. Oh here

He gave me his diamond chain

Me. Why you give me your chain?

Daddy. Cuz I got this

He showed me his Rolex

I nodded he put his arm around my shoulder and we watched the movie eating  snacks. Yes we ate real food. We had spaghetti that he cooked.

I hard somthing and I felt daddy holding tight to me. He lift my head up kissing my lips

Me. Daddy what's wrong?

Daddy. Nothing I just love you

His face said different. He was sweating and I glanced over at the window seeing someone walking around the front door.

Me. Daddy who's that?

Daddy. Nobody don't worry about it. I felt him shaking.

I looked up at him he looked scared

Daddy. Here

He gave me his Rolex

Daddy. Shhhh

I didn't say anything else. Someone shot the lock off the door. And I jumped a little daddy was still holding me really tightly. I looked seeing about 5 man. None of them had ski mask on there face. Daddy whispered for me not to move and he let go of me. And as soon as he moved away from me they started shooting at him.

I just started crying. I started to have an anxiety attack. One of the man looked at me and said

Man. Say We gotta go

All them looked at me

Man. Say If you snitch we gone do that to you

They left out. I looked at daddy seeing his eyes opening and closing. I started whizzing for air

Me. D D D Daddy

He whispered

Daddy. I love you

Me. I  l l l love y y you to daddy

Then his eyes rolled back. And the police came minutes later. I couldn't stop crying. The ambulance came and got his body then a social worker told me to get my stuff. I went and used my inhaler. Both my parents are gone my mom died from Breast  cancer when I was 5 and now my dad is dead.

I put all my cloths in the big suitcase. And in my bag I put all the pictures I got with my dad my tablet and some teddy bears that my daddy got me. I got my medicine bag

Social worker. Come on sweetie

We got in this truck after I put my shoes on. I played with the chain my daddy gave me. It has his name on it. His name is Amarion. We have a lot of family so I think I'll probably go with my auntie. Or granny

We made it to the police station going In. I still couldn't stop crying. So while they were asking me questions I couldn't talk.

Police. Well right here in the system it says someone by the name of kentrell gaulden will be you legal guardian

I was crying so much that I couldn't even tell them I didn't know who that person was.

Social worker. After the funeral you'll be living with him

We got in the truck going to the house. This lady opened the door.

Social worker. I'll come get you the day of the funeral.

I nodded seating on the bed still crying. She left. I took my shoes off laying on the bed.

Kentrell pov

Montana. Herm put it in the system

I nodded

Kd. Say How you gone raise her if she know you killed her dad

I shrugged I know I gotta keep her or I'm going to jail cuz she saw everything.

Ben. So is she getting a room?

Me. Yea but seal the windows close.

They nodded going to pick a room for her. Then I took the door knobs out and flipped it so we can unlock it from the outside. They went and got her cloths and stuff I made sure she can't escape but made it look decent so the social worker won't say she can't stay here.

2 hours later

They came back with a lot of stuff. Montana got Tracey so she can decorate the room. Me and Montana put the tv on the wall. And put all the cloths and shoes in the closet. And Kd and Ben putt all the hygiene stuff she gone need. Like toothpaste , soap, deodorant and more. We put towels and rags in the little closet in here. And extra soap cuz she's not leaving this room unless she's going to school. And it's summer time.

Me. Alright I'm going to bed.

They nodded I went to my room laying down going to sleep.



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