Parfait Spills Coffee All Over Her Crush

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Raspberry Cookie (21, she/her)

Parfait Cookie (19, she/her)

Parfait was still getting used to her fame.

It had only been a few months since her hit song 'Everything You Need' exploded all over CookieTube. Her one hundred subscribers (most of them being Licorice's alt accounts) had suddenly multiplied into one thousand subscribers overnight.

Three months later, she was sitting at one million subscribers and she was now getting described as 'the latest pop sensation'.

It felt good, but it was slightly overwhelming. Her manager had suggested that she should get a private crew to run errands for her, such as buying groceries and taking her clothes to the dry-cleaners.

She didn't take her manager's advice. A private crew would cost way too much. Contrary to popular belief, she didn't earn many coins, since she could barely get any concerts. Her revenue from her CookieTube channel was barely covering her rent.

Nevertheless, she'd often stay up late at night, composing new song lyrics to feed to her constantly hungry fans.

And to do that, she needed coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.

So that was how she found herself at a coffee shop at 9 pm, sitting at a little table, waiting for her two lattes to be finished.

"Pannacotta Cookie? Your order is finished."

Parfait rose from her chair (with difficulty; her right foot had fallen asleep) and made her way to the counter.

She retrieved her drinks and turned to leave the shop, when suddenly...


Parfait, being the clumsy cookie she was, accidentally knocked down another cookie and spilled one of her lattes all over them.

"I'm so sorry! Let me help you up..."

Parfait grabbed the cookie by the hand and lifted her up. She fumbled for a stack of napkins nearby and tried to, in vain, wipe the coffee off her jacket.

The cookie, who had dark pink hair tied back in a ponytail, smiled and took Parfait's hand, despite the coffee dripping down her jacket. "It's alright, really. Wait a second..."

Parfait flinched. Huh?

"You're Parfait Cookie, aren't you?"

Parfait's eyes widened and she looked around nervously. Luckily, the only other cookie in the shop was the cashier cookie, who was wearing headphones.

"Shh! Yes, it's me!"

Parfait did not know how she was identified so quickly. Her very distinctive pink streaks were out for the time being. Her bright blue contacts were out, replaced by wiry pink glasses. Her hair was messier than normal and she was wearing a plain black T-shirt.

The other cookie smirked. "I'm fairly good at recognizing other cookies."

She stuck her hand out like to shake hands. "Raspberry Cookie. We met at your recent concert."

Parfait's heart caught in her throat. She had to restrain herself from squealing.

"THE Raspberry Cookie?!"

Raspberry chuckled. "Yeah. I was getting a tart jampie for my friends."

She took out her phone. "I, uh, also followed your CookieTube channel. You've got some really good songs."

Parfait awkwardly cradled her remaining latte in her hands. "Well, um, I guess I should get going. Got songs to produce and all that."

Raspberry waved goodbye and walked out of the shop.

Parfait headed back to her apartment and began editing her tracklist. It wasn't until late at night that she checked her CookieTube notifications.

The latest one was: you're a really good singer. i love your music!

And the username was none other than RazzleDazzle, with a picture of Raspberry's face as the profile picture.

Crap. Parfait thought. She's so pretty. Wait a second...

Oh no.

I think I'm in love.

Welcome back to part two of 'Krisis fails at writing a romance story'. Ngl, I really love this ship though and I wanna do it justice.

I also wanted to incorporate the headcanon of Licorice and Parfait being friends/lovers by making Licorice Parfait's #1 supporter. 

(Also, Pannacotta Cookie is Parfait Cookie's disguise name. I googled 'parfait synonyms' and pannacotta was the first thing that came up)

Hope you enjoyed!

Signing off,


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