Raspberry Attends A Music Concert And Gets A New Crush

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Characters used:

Raspberry Cookie (21, she/her)

Parfait Cookie (19, she/her)

Princess Cookie (15, she/her)

Knight Cookie (15, he/him)

Raspberry Mousse Cookie (22, he/him)

"A...a concert?"

Raspberry stared in disbelief at Princess Cookie. "Why would I feel the need to attend a music concert?"

Princess cookie was bouncing up and down excitedly, her bright pink curls bobbing in the air.

"Because Knight Cookie-" She stopped to peck her boyfriend on the cheek. Knight blushed bright red and muttered something about how it was his duty to serve Her Highness. "Knight Cookie managed to win three V.I.C. backstage passes to Parfait Cookie's newest concert in a raffle! We'll be able to meet her in person!"

"Parfait Cookie?" Raspberry wasn't one to keep up with trends, but she vaguely knew that Parfait Cookie was one of the newest pop star sensations. She was very popular, but Raspberry had never listened to any of her music.

"Why're you asking me to join you? Can't you invite someone else?"

Princess made a fake pouty face, putting her hands on her hips. "I could, but I wanna invite you, silly! I want us to spend more time together since we barely got to know each other during the Princess Contest."

Raspberry couldn't argue with that. "But what about my fencing? I need to train constantly, to uphold House Raspberry's honor!"

"And even a knight has to rest sometimes, my dear cousin."

Raspberry whirled around at the sudden noise and nearly punched her cousin, had he not taken three graceful steps to the right.

"Raspberry Mousse Cookie! Don't do that!"

"Apologies. But you should take a break from the constant fencing, Razz."

Raspberry rolled her eyes. "You were the one who told me that my greatest enemy was myself!"

"That was meant to be taken figuratively."

Princess clasped her fingers together in a pleading position. "C'mon, Razz! It'll be fun!"

"First of all, only Mousse is allowed to call me Razz. Second, fine, I'll go."

The girl squealed and clapped her hands. "This'll be so great! I promise you won't regret it!"

"When and where is the concert?"

"Next Saturday, 2:00 pm, at the Garden of Delights!"

"Alright. I'll see you there."


Next Saturday, at one-thirty pm, Raspberry was standing in front of her closet, trying to figure out what to wear to a concert. Obviously, she wouldn't wear her fencing jacket, it was much too formal for an occasion like this.

In the end, she decided on a black undershirt, dark pink crop top, black leggings, and glittery pink boots. She pulled her back into a ponytail, applied some dark eyeshadow, and stood in front of her mirror to observe herself.

"Not bad, Raspberry," she muttered to herself.

Her cousin thought differently, though.

"You look like an emo, Razzie."

"Shut up, Moussie."

She sat down at the table and began to dig into the jelly steak set before her.

"Anyway, Princess told me that her coachman will be coming to pick you up in their carriage and take you to the Garden of Delights."

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