storyline and Goenka character sketch

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In this story Goenka and Singhania's are best friends from decade!

When sukanya fell from the train police doubted naira that she has pushed sukanya but everyone In the family trust her especially akshara! Here she didn't ran away from the house..when naitik was busy with sukanya's case manish took responsibility and destroy singhania diamonds after naira got proved innocent naitik got to know abt it... Singhania diamonds got suffered with a huge loss! Akshara and Naitik decided to send Naira and gayu london because of the loss of singhania diamonds their studies shouldn't be get suffered! After that naira decided to open her own company she talk with akshara and naitik and they agree with her.... And know she is the biggest and the youngst entrepreneur in the whole world the world knows her as miss singhania! She owns a chains of spa's hotels, schools , orphanage center all over the world all over the world! She named her company  "AMIGOS GROUP OF COMPANIES"

1 year ago she settled her company in india when she went to london for some legal rights something got happened that completely changed her life know she didn't talk anyone much only gayu knows what happen to her!

After naira and gayu went to London naitik suffered with a mini heartattack! Know singhania diamond is in a good condition but not that much....

Here our kartik is also broken and he is not interested to fell in love once more!



Manish goenka - a bussinessman and a father of kartik , keerti shubham and rohan!

Swarna Goenka - a housewife and a mother she is very sweet and caring

Suhasini goenka - she is open minded but not that much she believes in astrology and all she can do anything to follow rituals!

Rohan Goenka - 26 years old.... He is a twin of keerti

Keerti Goenka/Bansal - married to aditya same as show

Aditya bansal - same as show

Shubham Goenka - he is a prankster of a house and recently he joined goenka industries!

Luv/kush goenka - 18 years old same as show

Mansi Goenka - 21 years old 

Akhilesh/ Surekha goenka - same as show!

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