Chapter I

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Foggy Mood

    Ja'khi wiped the sleep from his eyes, as he was met by another foggy October morning on the Lakeside High School Campus. He let out a groggy groan while slowly escaping the comfort of his bed and making his way to the bathroom. He undressed before getting in the shower, letting the water run down his brown skin and running his shampoo filled hands through his black fringed hair. He finished quickly and headed back to his room to get dressed.

    Ja'khi aggressively shuffled through the clothes in his closet, causing a picture frame to fall from the top and break when making contact with the floor.

    "Shit." Ja'khi huffed under his breath, realizing the mess that had been made. He made his way to get his dorm's broom, quickly returning to clean up the glass shards that were spread across the room. His cousin, Anthony, stepped into the room, surprised at the sight.

    "Bro, what happened?" He panicked. He sniffed the air. "More importantly, you're bleeding!" Ja'khi looked down at his gushing wound that was shredded down his leg that he hadn't realized until then. He continued to sweep up the mess.

    "Don't worry 'bout it." He sighed, "Could you pass me the dustpan?" Anthony threw him the dustpan before running to get first-aid. Ja'khi had explained to him what had happened as Anthony tended to his wound.

    "You're so reckless for someone as smart as you. Y'know that?" Anthony scolded him. Ja'khi shrugged as Anthony finished up wrapping the gauze around his leg. Ja'khi's phone vibrated on the bed, him picking it up with no hesitation. He'd gotten a text from Aaron, his older brother.

Good Morning-AJ
Is the gang meeting up at the usual spot before classes?-AJ
Yea, see you there?-Me

    "Who was that?" Anthony questioned.

    "AJ wondering if we're meeting up at the fountain before classes." Ja'khi replied. Everyone referred to Aaron as AJ because it was short for Aaron Jr. Anthony nodded before leaving the room to continue getting himself together.

    Ja'khi proceeded to get dressed before cleaning the rest of the glass up. He had had all the shards in the dustpan when he'd realized that there was a piece of folded paper among the debris. He was ready to open the paper but was interrupted by Anthony telling him that it was time to leave.

    "Guess I'll check this out later." He mumbled, slipping the paper into his jean jacket pocket. He grabbed his bookbag and joined Anthony for the walk to the fountain, which was placed right in the entrance of the campus.

    Ja'khi and Anthony arrived at the fountain where there were three other teenagers. Madison, Dominick, and Chalian had been friends with the two since birth and usually when you see one, you'll see the other four.

    "Ja'khi, come here." Madison motioned him towards her. She told him to sit in front of her before playing in his fluffy fringe. Aaron showed up only seconds after by himself.

    "Kris isn't here today?" Chalian questioned.

    "Never came home last night. Wasn't here this morning either." Aaron sighed. Anthony showed obvious annoyance with a loud suck of his teeth. "Sorry, Tony." Kristian was Anthony's older brother. They never conversated much for... reasons.

    "Don't apologize for something that isn't your fault." Anthony mumbled "Like Father like Son." The fog had cleared out a bit, but was still visible and a sudden brisk of cold air flowed across the campus.

    "Geez, I need to turn sixteen already. Then I'll at least be able to sit in a heated car while waiting for classes to begin." Dominick complained. "I can also show my whip to the ladies."

    "Lameass." Anthony spoke out.

    "Bro, what the hell?"

    The bell for the first period rang and the group began to walk towards their classes. Aaron wished everyone a good day before separating to the Junior classes. The other five had the same class so they walked together. Ja'khi strolled slower than usual, his mind roaming about what could possibly be written in the paper.

    "Hurry up man!" Anthony snapped, which broke Ja'khi out of his trance.

    "Comin'" Ja'khi replied as he caught up with the rest of the group.

    'I'll check what's in it after school, that would be best.'

AsterisksOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora