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introducing, LSD enjoy everyone! 💝💝

introducing, LSD enjoy everyone! 💝💝

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i was welcomed by the chime of the door walking into the small bakery, my jacket was very warm and wrapped around my body trapping the warmth to my body

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i was welcomed by the chime of the door walking into the small bakery, my jacket was very warm and wrapped around my body trapping the warmth to my body.
"good morning miss, what could I do for you on this cold morning?"
surprised by the formal greeting.

"yes thank you, im sort of new to town, and I was wondering if you would sell any milk?"
i asked.
"that's right I didn't recognise you, I usually recognise all the old and young faces that pop up in my shop, and yes we do sell milk, my question is, what type of milk were you after?"
he asked.

i chuckled.
"sorry it's just, in Australia shop keepers usually keep their head down and don't go as far as actually talking to you like this, only a few."
i say.

"you're an Australian lass then aye? what's your name?"
he asked kindly.
"my names viola, you can call me vi though if you want, and you're..."
i glance at his chest seeing his name tag.

i ask.
"oh no, my names actually Aaron, but im using tips name tag, you see he owns the place, im his son, Aaron."
he explains.

his hair is a dirty brown leaning to blond sort of colour, I liked him, he had an inviting personality, and who knew maybe I'd actually make some decent friends here.
"so what brings you here?"
he asks from the counter, as I go to the fridges picking out some milk.
"well, I graduated last year making me 18, I'll be turning 19 next month, I've always wanted to be a nurse, you know since I was a little girl, so I wanted to go to university, far from where I'm from, and London seemed like the best place to go to."

i explained to Aaron, popping in a few sweets for my ride back to my rented out old apartment.
"you decided to come to London, out of all the places, London?"
he asked scanning through my items.

"yeah, there's something cool about London."
i said tapping my finger nails on the counter.
"I wouldn't say cool, maybe rustic."
he said.

"you have a way with words Aaron."
i said smiling.

"that'll be 12.34 pounds sweets."
he said.
"but hey, since you're a new face, I'll make it 5."
he whispered hanging over the counter slightly closer to me.

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