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Dec 31 22:22

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Dec 31 22:22

It's been almost a week, Landice.

And I miss you already. 😔

Dec 31 23:11

I know I said it's okay that you don't talk to me anymore, but I really miss you. Can you talk to me again, please?

Dec 31 23:24

I don't know if you are really ignoring me or you just can't read my messages because you're too busy now.

I hope it's the latter.

Dec 31 23:42

I noticed that you are no longer active in sharing memes on facebook these past few days.

I hope you are fine, Landice.

Dec 31 23:53

I miss you

Jan 01 00:00

Maybe I won't be given another chance to tell you this in person so I'll just say it here.

You are the only plot twist of my 2021 that I am really grateful for.

I’m happy in the short time we’ve been able to talk. I just wish we could talk longer.

Happy New Year, Landice.

Seen 07:22

✓ Seen 07:22

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