Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

Chishiya pretends to mull it over, then shrugs. "Alright, then," he says, and moves to sit next to you. 

Chishiya watches you fold another butterfly, slowly so that he can follow what you are doing. He copies the folds you make, and soon enough he has a butterfly pile of his own. His origami is precise and clean, exactly as you had expected it to be. 

"There must be at least a hundred now," you say cheerfully, surveying the paper creatures. "Only nine hundred more to go." Chishiya sighs, deftly producing another butterfly.

"I'm sure my fingers will have fallen off by then," he says dryly, tossing the origami onto the pile with the whisper of paper. You laugh, and put a butterfly on his knee. 

"That would be a shame," you agree. He looks at you, unimpressed, and retaliates by placing two butterflies on your knee. 

"Your wish better be worth it," he mutters. He eyes the butterfly on his leg and you think he will sweep it off, but he only looks away with another sigh. "What is your wish, anyway?" 

You hum, reaching for another piece of paper. "I haven't quite thought of one yet," you admit. Chishiya looks at you, even more unimpressed. 

"What am I folding these butterflies for then, hm?" he says, creasing the paper sharply. 

"Well, it has to be special," you argue lightly. "It is a thousand butterflies, after all."

Chishiya makes a big show of preparing to roll his eyes. "There's no need for that look, my dear friend," you grin, and nudge his shoulder with the back of your hand in good humour. "Alright, what would you wish for, then?"

Chishiya brushes your hand off. "I don't believe in wishes," the Naysayer of Birthdays says.

"Oh, come on. If you did believe in wishes, what would you wish for?" You wheedle, planting another butterfly on his leg. 

The blonde exhales disdainfully, and removes the extra butterfly from his knee. "There would be no point in telling you. It wouldn't come true either way."

"If it's within reason, maybe I could help make it come true," you sing, "friendship is a magical thing." You pause. "Just don't wish for anything like world peace, my influence doesn't stretch that far."

"The peace of the world is not my concern," Chishiya says scornfully. 

"All the better," you laugh. "Go on, then. What's your wish?" 

At this, his eyes glitter with something not unalike to a feline glee, and you duly hope you will not regret all the words that have come out of your mouth up until this point. 

"You'll make it come true?" he says, looking pleased. You are having very large regrets now.

"Alright," you say reluctantly, and make a beckoning movement with your hand. "Tell me your wish."

Chishiya leans in slightly, as if he holds all the secrets to the world. He brings his secrets just close enough to whisper in your ear. "I want you to kiss me," he says simply, and his eyes do not waver from where they rest level with yours. 

You blink. The butterfly you are holding begins to slip, and you quickly close your hand before it can fall. Chishiya watches you, amused, as you fumble with the paper butterfly. You are horrifically flustered, and break eye contact with the man to fold another butterfly with fervour. 

"Why would you use your wish for that?" you mumble finally, cheeks warming. "I kiss you all the time."

"No," he says, and the glint in his eyes grows brighter. He sets his butterfly down, and his hands suddenly close over yours to guide the butterfly you are folding out of them. Stars explode where his fingertips meet your hands, making it increasingly difficult to look him in the eyes. "Kiss me properly," he says.

Butterflies tumble off your knee. "Okay," you say, barely louder than a whisper, and his hands move to cup your face. 

Kissing Chishiya is as warm as he is cold, and the press of his lips against yours is soft and melting. You close your eyes, leaning into him. Almost naturally, your hand raises to brush against his jaw and his thumb traces over your cheek. He holds the expanse of the galaxy in his hands, which burn crystal-like stars over your skin. 

When Chishiya pulls away, gaze lingering on your own, he is still just close enough to kiss you again. His palms are still against your cheek, your hands in the space between his neck and jawline. You look at him, eyes widened slightly.

"That was nice," Chishiya says, the corners of his mouth twitching into his familiar smirk. "Let's do that again sometime." With that he pulls away completely and resumes folding butterflies, humming softly, eyes sparkling. 

You absolutely cannot stop yourself from rolling your eyes. 

Scooping up a handful of blue butterflies, you throw them at Chishiya. He looks unfairly pretty, laughing as he cards butterflies out of his hair. "You could stand to be a little more romantic," you tell him indignantly. 

"Why?" he challenges, flashing you a grin. "Was kissing me not enough?"

His tone of voice is playful and you give him a shove, trying not to laugh. "You're meant to say something nice after you kiss someone," you huff, picking up another piece of paper. "It's what makes the kiss special. It's unspoken rule."

He raises his brows. "I said, 'that was nice'," he points out. "Need I say more?" 

You snort, flicking another butterfly at him. "In what world has that ever been a good thing to say after you kiss someone? Maybe a compliment, or something."

"Fine, then," Chishiya shrugs, picking butterflies out of his lap one by one. "You look pretty."

A smile threatens to grace your lips and you have to muster all of your being to will it away. "The moment's already passed," you say, giving a long-suffering sigh. "And that's so half-assed."

"Then, should I kiss you again?"

"Absolutely not," you order. "Keep folding that butterfly, I want my wish."

"I already got my wish, do I really need to get one for you too?" he teases. "Alright, alright. Stop poking me, woman." 

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