I feel like I can't breathe. Mentally that just brought up a lot of scary memories.

I have no clue where I am supposed to be going but I just start walking and don't stop until I find a bathroom. I run in before locking myself in one of the stalls, no one else seems to be in here though.

I set my stuff down before I sit down on the ground and try to calm myself down, I feel like I am having a panic attack. I don't know why that freaked me out so much but it just did.

I look over to find a big hand-shaped red mark on my arm from how hard he was holding me. I can tell that it is going to leave a bruise, like the others on my body.

It takes me a few minutes to calm myself down, I have had panic attacks in the past so I more or less knew how to deal with them.

I know I need to get to class even though I would now be late and I still more or less have no idea where I should be going and I will definitely not be asking someone again.

I don't even know that boy's name but I am scared to leave the bathroom, I don't want to see him again.


I had successfully made it to all my morning classes, only being late to the first two and by lunch, I had sort of gotten the hang of the layout of the school.

No one else had bothered me besides that boy this morning but no one else had even talked to me. It was like they were scared of me, I knew that no one was going to like me but it still didn't feel great for my suspicions to be confirmed.

It was now lunchtime and I found myself standing at the entrance of the cafeteria, having zero clue as to where I should sit.

At this point, I wish I never left the house this morning. All my classes had been normal but I can't help but find myself fearing that I will run into that boy from this morning.

"Hey Mate, you need somewhere to sit?" A voice rings in my ears, shaking me out of my daze.

A bleach-blonde boy was stood in front of me, he had a large tray of food in his hands and a big smile on his face.

"Uh y-yeah sorta," I say.

"Yeah, you look a little lost kid. Here come sit with me and some of my friends, only if you would like to of course." The boy says kindly.

"Would that be okay?" I ask, really not wanting to burden him and his friends.

"It would be more than okay, we would love to have you. It's just this table over here, I am Niall by the way." The blond says putting his hand out for me to shake as he starts to walk over to a table.

I hesitantly put my hand out to shake his.

"I'm Louis." Is all I say as I follow him like a lost puppy dog.

"Oh I know, there has been a bit of talk about you. Figured you would want to sit with some people who aren't going to heckle you about your brothers the whole day." He says.

What is with everyone's obsession with my brothers? They must have been popular or something when they went here but why do people still care about that now, they graduated nearly two years ago.

"Um yeah thank you," I say, truly appreciating his nice gesture.

"Course Mate. Guys this is Louis." Niall says once we reach the table that two other boys are sitting at.

One had dark raven hair and dark eyes to match while the other had short light brown hair.

"Hi Louis, I am Liam and this is Zayn"

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