Truth Revealed

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A/N:-**Person 1:- .......Person2:-..... [talkin between Character.**

**Harry:-...... Fawkes/Hedwig/Other Familiars:-......[Mind Talking]

**#.....# [Parseltounge]**

Bold:- Text From Book

 $$Bold,Italic and Underline$$:-My Changes in the plot


As the group of five re-seated themselves, there was a loud bang and the hall was covered in white smoke. When the smoke cleared everyone was craning their necks to see what happened. They saw that Harry has leapt to his feet almost instinctively and formed a golden translucent  dome around them and was ready with wand in hand to attack at any sign of danger from the lady wearing white robes, golden brown hairs and blue eyes. The DA immediately got up and took their places to protect the people if needed while at the same time surrounding the mysterious lady in a circle behind the shield. The group of revivors were pleasantly shocked with the instincts and scheming of the group of students, who jut shared a look with Harry and with his nod they knew what to do. The professors were not so much shocked as they were used to the group and their skills. Other people were silently whispering to each other. Harry asked in a calm and deep voice, which shocked many at his experience with these type of situations but obviously  they do not know what horrors he has faced.

Harry:- Who are you? What are you doing here?

The Mysterious Lady:- All of you know who I am, to some I am Home, to some i am nothing but mere source of education. To some I am a sentiment, to another I am a building of rocks. I am who or what you view me as. I am a spirit. 

At this the wheels in everyone's brain started turning at simultaneously Rowena and Harry muttered "Holy" and "Prove it" respectively.

The Mysterious Lady:- "unissons-nous sous les bougies qui fondent et ignorons la différence des tables et des nouer"[let's unite under the melting candles and ignore the difference of tables and ties]

Rowena:- How is it possible?

At hearing this Harry's mind starting running or better working at the speed of lightning. 'Can this be true...Can my theory be correct about sentient  wards...Can it be'

All the founders were in same state, they have cherished the castle with love, knowledge, magic and kindness since they started the school to their dying breaths and now this was happening. They were no fools they understood what the women said an what her mysterious riddle means but what they do not know is how an why?

Salazar:- Explain this sudden appearance.

Salazar asked in a composed and low voice his eyes narrowing suspiciously at the women. The women just smiled softly and returned her gaze to Harry who still has his emotionless mask firmly in place and was still has wand in his hand but those who knew him closely could tell you that he was thinking something. The women continued to gaze at Harry, her eyes filled with love, warmth, respect and kindness for the young man who has risked his life so many times for her safety and the protect the ones under her roof.

Godric:- Answer the question.

The Mysterious Lady:- You know who I am don't you Harry.

At this everyone turned to stare at the wizard in question. 

Harry:- My theory was correct wasn't it.

"When is it not" was mumbled by Harry's friend but only the group of revivors heard it and were curious to knew more theories but pushed their curiosity aside and focused on the situation at hand and Harry continued as if he had never heard what his friends has said and internally sighed this was going to be handful.

Harry:- Your are the spirit of Hogwarts who was earlier present in the form of sentient wards, which evolved from the continuous power that was supplied to you in form of usage of magic and all this was stored in the ward room and with years and years  the magic that was present in  your very own air, stones and walls evolved and at last it grew so much powerful that you were able to overcome the restrictions of old wards and were able to form a body and personality of your own. Am I right or am I right?

The Mysterious Lady:- As sharp as ever aren't you? As for your explanation it is correct.

At this all the founders shared looks when they made the castle they made sure that no one with ill intent can weaken the wards so, for the spirit of Hogwarts to break the old wards something very very wrong must have happened. But the question was what? They just hoped that they could find out.

Harry just continued to stare at the spirit  with so much intensity it looked like he was viewing its deepest and darkest secret, the people present in the great hall started to shift uncomfortably at the intensity of the stare. After a few more seconds which felt like eternity to the people in the great hall Harry nodded his head and lowered the shield with one flick of his wand.

Harry:- I trust you

It looked like this was all the members of the DA needed because the lowered their wand and come to stand behind Harry.

Harry:- I need to check something I will be right back.

With one last nod to his friends Harry left the Great Hall with his familiars with him.

Salazar:- Why don't we take a break.

At this all the people left the Great Hall some in groups some alone to take a walk , discuss the recent events or take a look at the Hogwarts to see how it has changed after the battle. The only people who were left in the Great Hall were The Revivors , Harry's friends, the professors and the two house elfs and the spirit of Hogwarts. The fist one to break the silence was...

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