Chapter 2

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I slowly made my way into the busier part of the village, dragging my foot to create a line in the lightly packed dirt as I walked.

A red-tinted bird swooped over my head, fluffing my silver hair. It angled up and rested itself in a small nest.

Pixies fluttered and chatted about as they flew overhead. A group of girls, seeming to be a bit older than me, gossiped under a tangerine tree. Smaller children, perhaps elementary age, sat in a circle, braiding the hair of the person in front of them. They smiled and sang old folk songs about the wars fought and won by their kind.

The old lady who sat on the steps of the saloon, smoking a cigar everyday, hummed along weakly.

Cigar smoke and fall wind will forever be my favorite scent.

A small twig snapped beneath my shoe as I rounded the corner to be met with a small shack hidden away by thick walls of trees and tall grass. The awning was a dark shade of green, nicely complimenting the slightly splintering wooden walls. Nothing about the outside of the building, however, seemed to make sense. The building seemed tiny from the outside, but the interior held many rooms and hallways. The bright pink door was always the first thing to catch your eye, but the mismatched windows were always questioned the most. Nobody had ever seen through the triangle and square-shaped glass. They had been covered by vines and moss since the shack was built. Nobody knew how.

I ambled inside, announcing my arrival.

A low hum came from a room in the back, followed by a long pause. A loud bang, most likely from pots and other dishes, broke the silence before a familiar face rushed out of the room, slamming his hands down on the creaky table a few feet from me, rattling the bottles towards the center.

"Ah, Suga-San! I was scared you weren't gonna come today! You haven't stopped by in weeks! What's wrong, you found another shop to support instead?"

I smiled at the ginger as I pushed my hair out of my face. "Replace you and Kageyama? What do you take me for?"

Hinata chuckled and released his weight from the table. He was taller than I remembered, and quite a bit more muscular.

He and his boyfriend, Kageyama, had owned the renowned potions shop for around six months, but they had managed to make it one of the most successful businesses in town.

Their relationship had always made me smile, even though they were younger than me. Kageyama, being a human, and Hinata, his dwarf companion, showed just how well different species could work together. Though they did bicker occasionally, they knew exactly how to make up for it.

"So," Hinata threw a soiled towel over his shoulder, "What can we do for you?"

I bit my cheek and peered around at the seemingly endless bottles, jars, and bowls of mysterious liquids.

"Mom said she wanted something strong... Got anything that may put him to sleep for a couple days?"

The words stung my tongue as they slithered through my teeth. I felt awful for saying it the way I did. Or for even saying it at all.

The carrot topped boy's eyebrows pulled towards each other as his smile faded into a frown. "He's not doing any better? You've gone to every doctor in town, ain't you?"

I silently snickered at his accent to distract myself.

"Not a bit... More than half of his body is covered and he's almost lost his voice." I decided not to tell Shoyo about Kaito's words before I left.

I regretted leaving him. I could've stayed alongside him while Mom ran errands. Kaito wanted me there and Mom could use some fresh air. She hadn't left our house in over a month.

After a couple minutes of awkward small talk, Hinata presented me with a small, clear canteen containing a shimmery grey substance.

"This'll only last you about four days, so don't use too much of it, now. Have him eat something before he drinks it, alright?"

I nodded as I reached for my wallet. Hinata grabbed my hand, his slightly calloused fingers squeezing my wrist as he looked up at me solemnly.

"Don't worry 'bout paying. I'll take care of this one. You just make sure the kid gets better."

I mouthed a thank you as I turned, letting the heavy spruce door shut behind me.

I heard Hinata call out after me before the door slammed harshly.

"Don't use too much of that, now! Them plants ain't doing too good lately, so be wise with it!"

A frog croaked on a branch beside me as I shoved the bottle into my jacket pocket. My silver locks stuck to my forehead and my arms seemed to become more and more moist by the second. A cloud of rain formed above me, drops pelting down and burning my skin with every bit of contact.

I brought my arm to my face, shielding my eyes from the precipitation, and hurried myself home. My feet thudded against the ground with every step I took.





Left, right, left, right, until I finally reached the entrance to the place I called home once again.

I stepped in, slipping off my sopping shoes and shaking water off of my fingertips. I peeled off my jacket and hung it on the doorknob with a sniffle. The house smelled like burning wood and roasting chicken.

I smiled to myself as I peeked around the wall to see my mother humming to herself as she stirred a pot of dark sauce, a large chicken cooking in the stone oven beside her.

I strolled over to her and wrapped my arms around her small frame. I felt her rub my back as she muttered a quiet 'I love you' into my shirt. I closed my eyes and took in the moment.

The way she would hold me in her embrace as a toddler. I would help her cook meals every night and would smile through each bite, even if I wasn't a fan of the taste. I loved cooking with her.

It was our only time together.

She yawned as she pulled away from me. "Will you bring your brother's medicine to his room? He should be asleep now."

I nodded. I stepped back over to my wet clothes, picking up my coat. I felt around in its pockets as I turned it in my hands.

I felt again.

And again.


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