"Tommy, if you don't want to say something, can you say it on a piece of paper?" Tubbo said, and grabbed a pencil and a mini-notebook from his pocket. 

Tubbo felt grateful he had these at all times, being so artistic, and also because Michael now had an interest to drawing, making tiny stickmen. 

Tommy took the pencil and mini-notebook and started writing. 

' I lost my voice ' Said Tommy, not even adding a punctuation mark to his sentence. Tommy though this was funny, in-character for him to do it, but Tubbo was focusing on what Tommy had said. 

'He lost his voice?' Tubbo thought. "But how?" Tubbo said, and Tommy went back to writing. 

'Secret :)' It said, and Tommy felt weird. He didn't know why he'd write that unnecessary smile, so he erased it. He erased it before Tubbo saw, who was patiently waiting. 

After he finished erasing it, he gave it to Tubbo, who frowned, without giving it a bad meaning. It felt playful, but today wasn't a time to play. 

Today was not a time to play, as his friend was in trouble, and he would risk his whole world for him to be okay

"Can I tell Ranboo about this?" Tubbo asked, politely, as he gave the mini-notebook back to Tommy.

'Sure I dont mind. Also, mind telling Phil about it? I dont wanna tell them myself' Said Tommy, face still. 

"Why?" Tubbo asked, hearing a faint cry, and a not that faint scream of Ranboo's. It sounded along the lines of "Wait-- wait-- Play later, Michael--" 

Tubbo only giggled, as Tommy was furiously writing down on the notebook. 

'Well they'd question why I've got old white hair and why my face is kinda like this' Tommy had said, and now Tubbo's gone curious. 

"Well.. why do you look like that? Wait oh gods-- I forgot to clean you up-- be right back-" Tubbo said, quickly, as he handed Tommy the mini-notebook, and started looking for a towel. 

Tommy internally laughed, seeing his best friend so concerned and worried for him. It gave him a warm feeling inside his stomach, and he didn't know how to explain it. 

'He couldn't explain it, at all.' He thought, as he saw a memory of blood and a foot on his neck, cracking his vocal chord.

"Ah! I've got it!" Tubbo said, and started cleaning Tommy up, starting with the crimson red blood. 

Tubbo saw Tommy write, and was astonished to see his handwriting still in tact. 

It was a mix of both clean and messy, but that made Tommy unique. 

Of course, Tubbo knows why his handwriting is like that. He was always beside Tommy to help him at the time. 


9-Year-Old Tommy had just stolen a piece of paper. A piece of paper that Wilbur was trying to find, Wilbur internally raging as to where it had gone.

"Tubs!  Look what I found!!" Tommy said, happy. He had always wanted to see how Wilbur wrote his song lyrics, or how his handwriting was. 

He never expected it to look so.. clean. It was tidy, unlike Tommy's purely messy handwriting (Tubbo understood it all, so whenever Tommy wrote something, they'd bombard Tubbo into telling what it said) . 

The name of the song on the top, and Tommy had sparkling eyes. 

' My L'manberg ' was said as the name of the song, and Tommy, with no hesitation, did a salute. 

"Bossman what'd you find?" A 10-Year Old Tubbo said.

"Look what I've got, Tubbo! I've got Wilbur's--" Tommy said, before Tubbo let out a loud "Shh! Wilbur's gonna find us soon enough if we are loud, now let me see!" He whisper-shouted, and Tommy gave him the letter. 

"Woah!! No way Wilbur did this!" Tubbo said, surprised. 

"I've got the best almost-brother ever! I'm going to be just like him Tubbo-" Tommy said, bright, and then looked at Tubbo. "Can't you see the resemblance?" He said, and posed similar to Wilbur, and Tubbo chuckled. 

"Yep. Yep." He said, enthusiastically. 

From that day on, he kept it, and started copying the letters. The only letter Tommy didn't know how Wilbur wrote was letter 'Z', as it was never mentioned. 

Only a matter of time before Wilbur found out, but he felt a lot of emotions. 

'Surprised. Shocked.' Wilbur had felt, seeing his brotherly figure trying to copy his handwriting. 


'It would be so much easier to say this but it was Dream' The letter spoke, and Tubbo felt a strong overprotective feeling wash over him. 

"Come on Tommy, It's time to kill him-" Tubbo said, calmly, but something pulled his hand.

It was Tommy, face numb, but it still felt like it was saying something. 

It was as if it was saying 'No Tubbo, it isn't worth it.'. And so Tubbo sighed, and ruffled Tommy's silk white hair.


Words: 1351

Everlasting Revival || Eburnean!Tommy AU || Credits to Blublu_by for the AUWhere stories live. Discover now