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I'm an outcast.

I know I am.

It's pathetic, really.

I'm a coward too.

I don't talk to people.
Not because I don't like them, and not because I'm full of myself.
But because I'm too scared.
Everyone thinks that I'm narcissistic, and that's why I don't talk. But in reality, I try to talk to them everyday. Something always happens, though. Either I'm talked over, or they just don't hear me.

"Damn social anxiety."
I whisper on my way to school.
I look up and see On-Jo and Cheong-san.
Why are they so cool?? I wish I could have a friendship like them. (Even though they totally like each other of course!!) How could On-Jo NOT see that? Even I can and I have no experience with these things!

I check the time on my watch.
"Shit, I better start running before I'm late." I think as I break into a slight jog.
Oh, there's the group. I let out a sigh of relief, but that relief turns to anxiety when I see the green light turn red.
Now we have to wait to cross..??
I'm gonna be late. I am SO gonna be late.

The light finally turns green again as a giant group of high-schoolers sprints across the street, me following shortly behind them.

Eventually, I see the school.
I decide to catch up, as i can see on my watch that school is about to start. I ran so quickly, it would have seemed like I was running for my life! I made it just in time before they would make us sign our names to show that we were late.
"Thank god.." I pant, my hands on my knees.

Stop it Y/N you're making a scene.

I look around frantically, making sure no one was watching me, as something caught my eye.
Cheong-San was teasing On-Jo for being late.
I smile at the sight of them, trying my best to stiffle my laugh.
Although, my efforts were unseen as On-Jo caught me and yelled "Its NOT funny."

Well NOW I have to run for my life.
But instead, I did something I had never done before.
Without thinking, I said:

"You sure about that?"




Why did I do that?

Oh god, she probably hates me now.
And so does Cheong-San. They both probably think I'm weird and-

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard someone shout my name.

"Y/N? Are you okay?"

It was Su-Hyeok.
He has always tried to speak to me,
And don't get me wrong I do appreciate his efforts, but It's just so hard to reply to people sometimes.

"Oh, yeah. I am." I say.

Was that loud enough? Do I need to repeat it?

"Good, I'll be right back"
He simply states. Is he okay though?
He seemed sort of distracted while saying that. I looked to the side, where he was going. And you know what? I'm gonna follow him.

I followed him into the concrete sort of building.

Yikes. Who would wanna go in here willingly?

Oh yeah, me.
And Su-Hyeok of course.

When I got there, I could see a girl on the floor topless. There was also a boy who looked like he was being forced to record, but thankfully didn't. I hid behind a wall and eavesdropped, the only thing I was actually good at doing.

"You used to party with us. Dont try to act all holier-than-thou." A voice I didn't recognize spat.
He stepped closer and said
"Get lost."
"You need to grow up." Su-Hyeok retorted.
The room went silent.
"You guys, go." Su-Hyeok told the people who were being bullied, I assume.

I turned to look for a brief moment. Just to see where they were going to go.

"Wait. Who the hell are you?"

I gasped and covered my mouth.
They saw me.
They had to have seen me.

"You know I'm talking to you."

I turned around slowly, wondering what they were going to do to me as I had seen what they did to the girl.

"Y/N? I thought you went to class?"

Thank god he was still here.

I just stood there, unable to move.
One of the bullies walked up to me and I froze in fear.

"What are you doing here, huh?"
He said, grabbing me by the shirt.
I fought with all I could but he just wouldn't let go.

"Get off her. Now."
My vision was blurry from the tears starting to fall from my eyes.
Great. I was being assaulted, AND crying infront of one of the people I wanted to be friends with. This is so embarrassing.
I don't want to be saved.
I don't want to be a damsel in distress.
I want to fight on my own.

So why can't I?

Suddenly, the bully was pushed off  me.
I took long, deep breaths. I don't know how much longer I could have taken with him grabbing my shirt like that.
It was so scary. And yet, I couldn't do anything.

I wanted to fight. Everything in my body was screaming 'FIGHT!! KICK HIS ASS!' But I couldn't.

I wanted something to happen.

No.. I needed something to happen.

"Come on." Someone said as they helped me up.

I wiped my eyes and followed the person to the end of the room.

I'm such a crybaby.
I wish I would stop crying over the stupidest things.
I wish I had a reason to cry

"I'm sorry." I whispered.
I don't know what I thought that would do, but I said it anyway.

"Its okay. Let's go." The voice replied.

"I want to be brave!" I suddenly blurted out, a determined look on my face.

Su-hyeok smiled at me gently, making me feel slightly more confident.

"You are." He continued smiling at me for a moment, before we were interrupted.

"You look really sexy in this. Should I send it to your mom?"

One of the bullies asked the girl, who by now had her top back on.

She froze up. She didn't know what to do.

"You know I'm friends with her on Facebook, right?" He said.

"You crazy asshole. What kind of weirdo is friends with an old lady?" Another bully replied, causing laughter among them.

The girl pushed Su-Hyeoks arm away. She stood for a moment before saying,

"I can't go."

"Its okay. you can."

"Its not okay. If I leave now.. it will be twice as bad tomorrow."
She mumbled, reluctantly walking back to the bullies.
Su-Hyeok looks at the boy as he turns around and goes back to the bullies too.

"Take it off."
When she doesn't take it off, he asks,
"Or should I take it off for you?"

The girl starts taking it off.
"Hurry up, dammit."

Su-Hyeok and I look at the sight of them, and decide there is nothing we can do right now.

"Come on, let's get out of here." He says, obviously upset about what happened.


I will edit this later, I made this chapter at 1 am so please excuse the errors I made aha

I can't decide if I'm going to make this an x reader story, or if I'm just going to have Y/N make some friends. So, I guess we're both just going to have to find out

(I edited this a bit, sorry, it was really cringy)

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