"Of course." She scoffed and rolled her eyes, laughing lightly. "Now get back to what you were doing." She waved me away and winked.

I left the part about Lola being asleep and nodded, kissing her forehead one more time and leaving the apartment.

I unlocked the apartment quietly and without much to do, slipped my shirt off and kicked my jeans away, slipping in bed beside her. She mumbled something and turned around, curling her very naked, very warm body around me and her breath evened out again.

I closed my eyes and surrendered to the blissful sleep.


"I hate you," Lola grumbled, zipping her skirt. "Why the hell aren't you going to work?"

I smiled, crossing my hands behind my head. I didn't miss the way her eyes moved hungrily over my chest. "I'm spending the day with my sister."

"You're such a brother," she bit sarcastically; her eyes warm despite her tone. "One would think you're the sweetest thing alive."

"Nothing is sweeter than your cuٌnt." I drawled and she shot me a glare, colour warming her cheeks.

"Pig." She mutters and slips her heels on, looking sexy as hell.

"Get out," she crosses her arms. "I need to lock the apartment."

"I'm wounded-you're kicking me out?" At her nonplussed expression I chuckle and get up from her bed, put my clothes back on.

I smack her ass before she walks to the elevator and she sighs, not looking back at where I stand with the stupidest grin on my face.

The promise of a joyful day doesn't look so promising when my father calls around ten am, his voice furious. Lottie emerges from her room, her grin so wide and face lit up, until she hears my father's voice on the phone. It's not impossible, since he's yelling.

The shadow crossing over her face is painful to witness and I stand there debating whether I should shut my phone and get the day we both deserve or promise to make it up to her and head for work. When she turns around and walks to her room, shutting the door loudly behind her, I snap.

"Dad!" My voice is frustrated. "I'm taking the day off and going out with my sister. If it doesn't suit you, I don't care. Bye."

I shut the phone and wonder how much trouble I'd get into later, but it doesn't matter as long as my family comes first. I might love my father's driven personality and passion, but I'll never repeat his mistakes.

"Charlotte." I knock the door when I realize she'd locked it. "Open the door, please."

"No! I don't want to hear excuses, Louis. Just go to work."

"Bloody hell, Charlotte, open this door right now or you'll regret it." I waited for a minute and tried not to smile in triumph when she opened the door. She looked upset.

I sighed, "I'm not going to work Charlotte-shut the hell up please." I threw in when she opened her mouth to speak.

"I'm not gonna be like him, Lottie. While he thought work was more important, I know family is more important, so please, get your ass up and let's get out of here."

We left the apartment, all the while I felt absolutely happy, and zero guilty.

I decided to take us both to the mall, and once I handed Lottie my credit card-silently praying she doesn't spend every cent in it-and watched as she squealed and snatched it from me, getting inside a shop and rolling around the racks picking this and that.

Charlotte emerged from five different shops with five bags of each, and I sat at a bench when my brain was about to explode and watched in utter horror and amusement as she put more bags on my side.

"I need a drink." She sighed and sat down next to me, pushing two more bags between our feet.

Talk about a dent in my wallet.

"I don't even want to know how much you spent." I muttered and stood up, her laugh ringing behind me as I went to get us both something to drink.

I spotted Cecily and her bimbo friend and nearly wanted to slap my face. I turned around quietly, hoping to escape but cursing inwardly when a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

"Louis!" her voice made my stomach revolt. It wasn't bad, but it was seductive and my body understood it otherwise. "What are you doing here?"

It's none of your business; it was on the tip of my tongue, begging to come out. "I'm shopping with my sister."

"Didn't know you did the 'shopping' thing." The bimbo-her name was Bianca I guess-smirked and I just smiled tightly.

"I don't want to keep my sister waiting, so I'll...go now." I turned around again but was stopped, Cecily's hand catching my wrist.

"Call me." She winked and I nodded with a smirk, my spine stiffening at the thought of touching her again. I guess Lola ruined every other woman, because I only wanted her.

"Who was that?" Lottie scowled and I groaned, handing her the drink and sitting down next to her.

My dad didn't ruin the day for us, but Cecily did. And now I had to explain or I'd ruin it for my sister.

Universe was a hilarious bitch sometimes.


Oh Louis you're definitely desirable, aren't you? x

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