{6} Riddle Me This

Start from the beginning

She shrugged, but something in her eyes tightened. "I don't sleep while torturing."

"Why not?" Dean crossed his arms and shared a quick glance with Cas and Sam.

Claire opened her mouth to respond, but before she got a chance, her eyes focused on something behind Dean's head. "Guys, what the hell is that?"

They all swiveled around to face it, taking on defensive positions instinctively. There was not one there, and when they turned back to Claire's seat, there was no one there.

'Damnit Claire,' Dean grumbled inwardly.

Sam sighed and picked up his computer. "Leave her be for a little while, she'll come back to us eventually. Hell, she probably didn't leave the bunker." He strode out of the room to finish his search in the library. As soon as he was gone, a flutter of wings signified Gryphon's arrival.

If looks could kill, Dean would be able to find Crowley real quick.

"What did you say to Claire? She popped in, took her food and disappeared instantly."

Dean shrugged. "I just asked her why she wasn't sleeping. From the looks of it, she has nightmares on any given night."

Gryphon let out a long, suffering sigh, and ran a hand down his face. "Dean, where do you think Claire learned how to torture?"

Dean struggled for an answer, but Castiel was the first to get it. Realization dawned on the angel's face, followed closely by pity and sorrow. As the emotions paraded across Cas' face, the truth hit Dean like a blow to the chest.

"Observation," he breathed.

"Exactly. Torturing brings up painful memories. The nightmares only get worse. That's why she won't sleep. She barely even stops moving for a few days after. She eats only to keep her energy up enough to not burn out completely."

"But she's a demon," Dean pointed out, an observation Claire had previously ignored. "I thought demons don't need to sleep or eat."

"She's only half demon. The two halves of her genetic code are constantly warring. It drains her energy enough that she has to do one or the other, or both if she wants."

"And the other half is..." Dean had been gently prodding for more information on Claire since she and Gryphon had moved in and this was just another one of his subtle attempts.

The grey-eyed angel gave Dean a knowing smile and flew out of the room.

- - - - - - - - - -

Damn Dean and all of his questions. He can never just let the past be that- the past. He just has to go sticking his nose everywhere. It's my business what I tell them about myself and when. Even if I wanted to tell them about my experiences, I can't. She wouldn't want that and they would never look at me the same. Especially not if I told them the full truth...

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