Please Dont

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You visibly tense up at her accusation. It was true, yes you were the very person who was probably the talk of the town, and you feared what her reaction to be to that. Whether it was disgust or disappointment, you couldn't bring yourself to meet her eyes.

"Come sit with me Chiquita," To your shock there's a motherly sort of warmth in her tone. Going with the nice old lady felt nice, but the horror that awaited you at home if you had stayed scared you.

"Eh, Lo siento, Senora," You apologize feebly. "My mama will not be happy if i am home late."

"Even for just a second?" Her voice was filled with bewilderment, and instead she fixes the bag she held, moving it around to a more comfortable position. "Nevermind, would you care for me to accompany you in your walk?"

You shake your head with a soft smile, the most genuine in a long time. The first on your mother's list were a few fabrics, vegetables and trinkets. First you had dropped by the tailor, the woman walking by you in a slow, gentle pace.

"I see the way you two looked together," She suddenly spoke, turning to stare into your eyes. "And how you looked without. You still love him."

A scoff tumbled out your lips.

"Of course-" Immediately you stop yourself, apologizing for the rude manner you first talked in. The next words coming out as a whisper. "Lo siento."

"It's okay," Her eyes crinkle while she offers you a smile. "You know, I used to be married. He's not here now, but the way we looked at each other- I see us in both you and Camilo."

Camilo. You hadn't heard that name in the longest time. It felt to stir something in your stomach, butterflies that worsened into caged bat's that rampantly banged against their confines.

"You're here to get your mother's clothes I presume?" The tailor eyed you warily, handing you the fabric. His actions are done begrudgingly, as if he would rather not be near you at all. You hand him the money, and he snatches it in a hurry. The woman frowns, placing her arm protectively around your shoulder.

She steered you off the shop gently, rubbing your arm. Your next stop was the market, which was less enjoyable than the tailors place. At least it was deserted. The market was filled with many busy and bustling people, and you lowered your hood as far as can go. The elder would notice how easily knocked to the side you were, and would keep you close to her side, glaring at the rude passer-by's in your stead.

You had never felt happier to have someone accompany you to the market. She had picked out the vegetables for you, taking out the best and bartering for the price. Thankfully that meant your only interaction with the vendors would be handing the money to them.

The trinkets were slightly trickier, but like before the woman's eye was skillfull in finding what you had needed. Buying the goods felt to pass by in a jiffy, and it left your shoulders feeling lighter than before. You thanked her kindness, plus praised whatever God was out there for letting you meet such a kind person. Heaven knows you needed it.

"Chiquita," She stopped you, eyes suddenly full of seriousness. The woman took your hand in hers. "You are young and you have time. Use it wisely."

To that you forcefully smile, nodding simply. She doesn't keep you any longer, instead waving, eyes forming cresents. It isn't long before you watch her completely fade from your view, placing the hood over your face, ready to make it home as fast as possible. However, now that you didn't have someone to guide you, it definitely proved to be a much harder task. You could only see your feet, and as much as you hate to admit it you've bumped into at least 5 trees.

A grunt angrily leaves your lips as you run into yet another thing. The force this time knocks you to the ground, and you lay sprawled there, nearly done with life.

"Oh, Im sorry I didn't-"

The voice is scarily familiar and you tense, pulling down the fabric to cover even more of your face. You hands felt clammy as you picked up the groceries that have fallen, knees wobbly as you tried to stand up.

"Let me help."

The male picks up the trinkets that were thankfully not broken, helping you up as well. He handed it to you, but you found yourself unable to take it. You simply fixed him with a stare. Only the wind blows, pulling back the hood just enough to see your pallid lips. You hastily try to cover yourself, however the look of surprise that covers his face doesn't go unnoticed to you.


God, you hated that even more. The shake of his voice, and how he sounded as if he was glad to see you. But you supposed in truth he was, suddenly wrapping his arms around you tightly. his hands squeeze the low of your back, and you can feel tears dampen your shirt. His back quivers, mirroring the uneven breaths that left his mouth. You're rigid, not knowing what to do. It felt like your heart was fighting against your mind.

Your face was wet, the sickening realization that you were crying hit you. It was so tempting to love him, to accept him now, but every single atom of your body felt a defiance. The male looked up, not bothering to hide his heavy eye bags. A melancholy smile adorned his face, tentatively drawing your hood back to see you.

The feel of the fabric rising up and brushing against your nose and cheek made you nervous. You surprised even yourself by not struggling. Eventually the light filtered through, eyes squinting slightly.

"Y/n, you're, Mierda- you're beautiful-"

And to that you can't stop the cry that escapes you. The male donned a crooked grin, opening his arms as a gesture for another hug. Your everything was in scrambles. How dare he say those very words? How dare he twist your heart then make it thump happily in your chest? How dare he, how dare he make you love him again?

"I hate you Camilo."

You tone soft and unconvincing. He visibly tensed, glancing down to properly see your face.

"You dont mean that do you-?"

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