I only know of their Heinous acts because, well I grew up in the hood where if you got to 18 you where lucky. Everyone knew everyone, and it was one of the worst cities in New York. So being around gangs and in a big ass family who are in gangs, naturally I became curious and hung out with them. Although I was never in a gang I was associated with some, all of the gangs I've worked for where cousins, meaning the owners where cousins.

And me being the favorite girl of our family I was well respected. Why was I the favorite? I wasn't a stuck up wannabe rich like my sister. I'm loyal to those who are loyal to me. And I always babysit because everyone knows I keep the kids safe. And although ive never killed someone, I've put people in hospitals.

Her drink falls from her hand and she backs up making me remember where I am. I walk towards her slowly, like a hunter and his prey. Never fucking cross me.

She looks at me scared, terrified even, she knows what I did to the men who raped me. Let's just say they're either paralyzed, locked up, or being a bitch boy to the gangs. The gay men call on them and do them the way they did me. Every. Single. Week. Although there's one missing, i will find him.

I pulled her by her hair outside, on top of the building was another building i don't exactly know what's in there but I don't really wanna know anyways.

As I drag her out everyone makes noise and I block them out. She starts scratching me making me even more mad, once we get to the  grass she kicks me, making me turn around and pulling her to the ground, I get on top of her and start punching her, obviously in her face.

I don't stop, even when I see blood, until someone pulls me off, man hands, familiar ones he pins me down and I look him in the eyes, the missing one.

He starts punching me and I stop blocking everyone out, I don't scream, I don't make a noise, he can't hurt me anymore. He was sitting on my hips, so I bring my legs up through his legs, and put my legs on his hips, I flip us over and put all me body weight on him, I weigh 150 pounds, I'm not fit, but he can barely lift 100.

Everyone goes silent and I punch the man under me, going harder on him than I have on anyone. Why? It was his idea. He started it. He enjoyed it. He wanted me to suffer the trauma.

I have heavy hands so I punch like a 200 pound 6'5 man who's a boxer and a street fighter. Maybe a little less.

I keep punching and punching, for the girls he traumatized, for the girls who will live their life scared and traumatized to the point they can't even talk, for the girls he made suffer. For me. For my innocence. t

Till someone pulls me off, that's when I realize my hands are covered in blood and the man's knocked out, and I'm crying. I don't cry.

I look up and see the most beautiful man I've ever seen, his hairs in braids, he has light brown eyes and melanin skin, he has the most beautiful pink lips with full eyebrows, he has a tattoo on his right temple, he's mesmerizing.

Though he wasn't the one who pulled me off, it was Airrain. Airrain leaned into me and whispered in my right ear 'you're one of them, aren't you.' And I nod silently crying not letting my body shake. Then my cousin wakes up and looks at me "how could you? You ruined everything!" She said as she sees the man laying on the floor knocked out, probably in a coma.

"Me? Me Rianase? You let them fucking rape me! You let them take your 12 year old cousins innocence! You let them hurt me! All for what? You're fucking drugs? For power? For a name? You let 7 men fucking traumatize me! I didn't talk, I didn't eat, I didn't even tell anyone! I sat there scrubbing myself in the shower to the point my skin was bleeding all because he can't fucking pussy so he has to force children! You don't know half of the shit I went through all because of you! You sat there and recorded me. Fucking recorded me. I can't even let anyone touch me for fucks sake I hate people touching me because some fucking dickhead desperate pieces of shits had to touch me in the wrong way!" I yell crying

"You shouldn't have looked up to me! It's all your fault!" She says and I scoff, not only have I told people my deepest darkest secret, I just made her think it's my fault. I start laughing and walk away, it starts raining again and I run, no where in particular. I just run. I keep running until a red Audi RS5 pulls up next to me

It's the guy from earlier. "You'd be stupid if you think I'm getting in your car" I say " I got food" he says and I've never opened a car door faster than I just did. "Wait. Are you saying that 'cause I'm fat?" I say and he looks at me blankly "you're not fat" he says and I just stare at him "okay big guy okay" I say and he hands me a large fry and a Big Mac with 2 burgers, a sprite, and a medium McFlurry

"You're totally calling me fat." I say and he just looks at me blankly "sorry sorry" I say smiling, he takes out 3 Big Macs with 4 burgers, 2 sprites, and 3 large fries, and chicken nuggets "damn all I smell is high cholesterol" I say and the corner of his mouth turns up a little bit but drops down faster then I can blink

"Random story time, so when I was 9 my twin brother pushed me off a roof because I was to scared to jump, I landed it but I beat his ass after, 'cause why would you do that? Do I look like a fucking person who does Parkour?" I say "why where you up there if you don't?" He says "because I swore I could fly- wait you're taking his side?! Naw bruh you cut off, canceled even, that's so fucked up" I say and he starts laughing

"You probably hear this a lot but you look... m-" "ma fine? Yes I know" He cuts me off and I raise a eyebrow "cockyyy, but no. I was gonna say mean." I say, he is fine, but I'm not gonna feed his ego.

"Y'know I talk a lot sometimes, I just have to much to say, especially since I just got my voice back after 2 years, plus everything fucking annoys me so yea, and I have a lot of opinions, but no one deserves to hear what I have to say because everyone are either dick heads or I just don't like them." I say and he nods as I talk signaling he's still listening

"Sorry." I say "for?" He ask "I'm talking a lot" I say and he shakes his head. I finish my food and look outside, I don't wanna go to the house.

"What's something you think you're missing?" I ask "nothing" he replies "oh, everyone's missing something, even if you don't realize it now, one day when you have that something you'll realize that you where missing something all along" I say "hm." He says and I shake my head

"I personally think I'm missing a home, the sensation of having a home. Wether that be 2 eyes and a heartbeat or 4 walls and a roof. Oh and love, like a soulmate love, like no matter what happens I'll always have them, that actually cares, that people see him with me and think 'damn she really changed him for the better', the type of love that everyone envy's, the ruthless boy with the sweet girl type of thing" I say and he stares at me

"That's unrealistic" he says "huh?" I scrunch my eyebrows "the love you want is unrealistic, I mean think about it, it's 2022, the 21st generation, who the actual fuck would be down for that?" He says "It's not unrealistic, just people are to much of a coward to fall in love, they only care about how people view them. They give importance to irrelevant things." I say and he looks at me with an unfamiliar emotion while I smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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