Chapter 01

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'Somewhere between the new and old me, I have lost the real me.'
I board the plane to New York with my caseworker Mrs.Ryans, I'm going to New York 'cause my dad died a week ago, my mom doesn't want me, and there's this program for kids like me, y'know the rebellious orphan kids like me.

The only plus side is I get an apartment, apparently it's really nice, so I'm a 17 year old girl, in New York, alone, who knows a couple languages- oh can't forget the fact I have no one.

At least we get to stay with the apartment after I turn 18. The program watched over us, helps us get jobs, get scholarships, y'know does everything our parents should. It's a program for kids who don't have family and are rebellious, like a boarding school- except it's all genders, and we still do bad shit.

Oh and I can't forget the best part, I have a roommate. I guess god just loves me.

I rest my head against the plane wall and go to sleep. I just want my dad back.


I sit in front of the door waiting for my dad to come home to watch a movie, something we've been doing since I was 13, the day my mother left, the day my twin brother disappeared.

I was acting out for attention- for help. So my dad decided that every single night that he got home we'd watch a movie or series. I know it probably looks dumb that a 17 year old that hates everyone, is waiting for her dad to watch a movie..

But it's just something we do every night, my dads out all day working as a firefighter and I'm in school, I come home and call him to check up on him and take him food. But today he didn't answer.. maybe he was busy.

Maybe my bad feelings just me being over dramatic.. it doesn't feel that way though- there's something wrong.. but what?

He always said to never go to his job without him knowing since there was a lot of men and anything could happen.

Someone rung the doorbell and i shot up from my seat and ran to the door "papa-" I got cut off by seeing my dads crew but not him, I got a knot of anxiety in my stomach. I look behind them looking for my dad.

Liam, my dad best friend, grabs my face "Crystal.. Adrian.. he.. he was saving this boy from a building, and he got the boy out but the boy kept screaming about his toy, so your dad ran in the building to get the toy, and the building collapsed.." Liam says "no.. no no no.. your lying, he's okay, he's fine" I say more to myself

I pick up my phone and call him again, it rings and rings until it gets to voicemail, "hey this is Adrian, don't leave a voicemail 'cause I won't listen to it- unless you're Estrellita" I listen to his voicemail, and I collapse, yelling 'no'

He always picks up the phone.. always..


"Crystal'Moon wake up, we're here" Mrs.Ryan shakes me awake, I get up and rub my eyes, I walk down the isle with my book bag filled with books and snacks.

We walk through the airport looking for our luggage, we get our luggage and walk to a man with a sign that says 'Crystal'Moon Perez' my names very unique so it's obviously my Uber.

We reach the apartment complex and the man helps me take my stuff to the apartment. Which is on the 5th floor, apartment 508.

I walk in since the door was unlocked and there's a boy there "oh you're the new roommate" he says and I nod "which room is mine?" I ask and he leads me to my room and I take note that there's a room right bedside mine.

My caseworker looks around, tries to hug me and leaves with the man to her hotel. "I'm Ellian" the boy says "Crystal'Moon" I introduce and he nods and peels open a orange, I go to my room and unpack, about 3 hours later im done and it's 5:00pm, my cars here.

My dad bought me a black Audi when I turned 16 as a gift. It was my dream car..

"My friends are coming over" Ellian says and I nod "do you have a car?" Ellian asks "yea, a black Audi" I reply "oh, can you take me to McDonald's?" Ellian says and I nod "for sure" I say grabbing my keys, we walk downstairs and talk for a little

"So I'm 18, I've lived here for 3 years, I'm Arabic, I'm 6'2, and I'm always at your apartment" Ellian says, we're introducing ourselves I guess "I'm 17, I just moved in, I'm Puerto Rican and Arabic, I'm 5'6, and I'm a homebody but I love going out" I say

We keep talking and exchange numbers, I have at least one friend.

"So why don't you leave?" I ask "the program? Oh shit they didn't tell you did they" he says and I furrow my eyebrows "you can only leave at 18 if you aren't a delinquent, if you have a criminal background then you leave at 21" he says and I nod

"I've been on house arrest 16 times since I was 13" I said and he stops in his tracks and turns to me "what'd you do?" He asks "y'know fought, commit arson, blow up a school cafeteria- I went to juvie for that- and accidentally trip and give someone a concussion for touching my ass" I say and he starts laughing at me for smiling like a maniac

"I like you. Oh- I'm transgender" he says and i stare at him in shock "oh.." I say and he stops in his tracks "don't tell me you're one of those people, dammit, I liked you." He says and I laugh "nah bruh, i was just surprised." I say

We get to my car and I connect my phone and start playing music "I fucking love this song" Ellian says and we scream the lyrics

'Don't be afraid to stand alone
Don't be afraid to stand
Outside your comfort zone
I know it's hard away from home
And it ain't easy all alone
Relationships over the phone
Talking to your significant other all night long
Sometimes it's hard to face reality"

At the end we start laughing, "my friends are meatiness us at McDonald's" Ellian says and I nod, we reach McDonald's and the  jet lag hits me, along with my social anxiety.

We walk in and order, I get large fries and a medium McFlurry, we approach a group of 4 people, "ou who's this" a girl with beautiful melanin skin and curly hair quite like mine says, she has dark brown eyes and she's fit, unlike me, I have big thighs and hip dips, and a stomach.

"She's off limits, she's mine" Ellian says and I smile "ohhhhh I'm tellinnnn" a boy with beautiful skin says, he has 2 skin colors, it looks really pretty "anyways, I'm Kirah, that's Jyion, Airrain, and Antonio, my brother couldn't make it" Kirah shrugged and I nodded "I'm Crystal'Moon" I say and she nods smiling

I sit down next to Ellian and everyone starts talking and I'm actually... enjoying myself..

"What's your hidden talent" Kirah asks to no one directly "I can speak Italian, Arabic, Spanish, Russian, and Brazilian. I'm learning French and Mandarin" I say and everyone looks at me shocked "what? I read and watch a lot of films" I say and everyone starts laughing and I smile

"I can barely speak English" Airrain looks down at the table in shock and I laugh. I feel.. in place.. like I belong..

Everyone goes back to Airrain house while I decide to walk around. I admire the beautiful city, and then everything hits me, and it starts raining washing away my never ending tears, I walk through an alley and I see a library, but then someone pulls me into another alley dragging me and I pull away scared, then I get led to a party and everyone's soaked

I look at the person that pulled me and I see it's Líanae, my child hood best friend "fuck you scared me you dickhead" I say while she laughs "what is this though?" I ask and she smiles "it's a party, everyone's wet cuz of the rain, but they don't care i don't know why they don't, they just- don't." she says and I nod

Then it clicks

"Wait what the fuck- you're here? How-" "my boyfriend moved down here 3 weeks ago, that's why I haven't talked to you, also I'm sorry about Adrian" she says and I nod while smiling.

I know people mean it in a good way, but all it does is remind me he's gone, and I rather they not tell me that, 'cause the reminder fucking sucks.

"Come on! I haven't seen you in almost a month, let's party!" She says I laugh walking with her..

So so stupid of me.

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