A position which was far too dangerous, too imposing for my liking. 

But I would not show him how vulnerable I really felt. 

“You deserved it,” I spat back. “And I’ll do it again.” 

“Really?” he drawled challengingly. “And how do you plan on doing that?” 

I tried to wriggle my wrists but he tightened his hold. “Like I always do. By outsmarting you.” I watched as he grit his teeth, his eyes clouding over and if possible, his hands tightened even further. “What’re you gonna do? I can scream; loud.” 

It was scary, how fast his expression changed from angry to humorously playful. 

He smirked.

The last thing I expected him to do, was to put his lips on me. I felt fear, terror buzz up and down my spine, reverberating through my body. I recoiled in shock but he was unfazed. He brought his lips to my neck again, kissing the small area that was exposed. “Get off me you grub!” I yelled, starting to thrash again. Unfortunately for me however, Theo had a solid build, his strength outweighed mine significantly and so he managed to keep me firmly in place. I was the poster and he was the sticker.

“I can do whatever the hell I want,” he growled. 

I moved my head from side to side, trying to distance myself from him as much as possible. “I hate you so much,” I cried and even though it was exhausting I continued to flail about, even screaming, yet he continued to kiss his way from the left side of my neck, to my right. 

I realised then, that if I didn’t get out of here now, things could turn even uglier. My past with Theo had taught me that he had no limits, he was crazy and he acted on impulse. There was no saying what could happen if I didn’t free myself from him. 

His lips began to trail down lower.

And like an automatic defence mechanism, I found my body working to my advantage. I discreetly began to wriggle my legs so that they weren’t plastered directly against his, taking advantage of his momentary distraction. I mustered up all the energy and all the courage I had within me.

I pulled my right leg up as quick and hard as I could, hitting him right where the sun don’t shine. 

Almost immediately, his hands had let go of my wrist, his hot lips leaving my skin and a loud groan pierced the air. I didn’t wait a second longer before I ran back towards the glass doors of our school. I ran like I had never run before; like my life depended on it. 

I flew down the still empty hallways and out the front entrance of the school. I made it to the bus stop just as as a yellow, old bus sidled to the side and without even looking as to where it was headed, I jumped on and presented my opal card against the monitor, only moving once I had heard the distinct ding sound. 

I made my way to the back of the bus, where only one old man and another middle-aged woman were sitting. I couldn’t have been more grateful for an empty bus right now. I sat down and placed my bag beside me, staring out the window as the bus lurched forward, in the opposite direction of home. My heart was still beating erratically and the adrenaline was still burning through my veins. 

Vein of Life.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora