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Before we start I wanna say that the idea of the soulmate bond and stuff like that I had taken from the book 'A thousand years' by @-ripperstxfan
And I have full permission from her to use that idea!
Go check the book out its amazing! So dont you guys accuse me of copying cuz rest of the plot is mine!


~enjoy :)

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~enjoy :)

The Mikaelson family had been turned into vampires not too long ago, by there mother themselves in the fear of loosing another child

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The Mikaelson family had been turned into vampires not too long ago, by there mother themselves in the fear of loosing another child. Turns out Esther Mikaelson was hiding a secret, she wished for no one to find out but fate was not on her side.

Niklaus Mikaelson, her third oldest son was a bastard, an abomination, he was the secret her mother had been hiding for 20 years. Niklaus was not Mikael's son, he was the product of Esthers unfaithfulness.

Turns out Niklaus's real father was a werewolf, making him a Hybrid, the Original Hybrid.

Esther was forced to put a spell on Niklaus so he couldn't turn into a werewolf neither create more of his race.

In the rage, Niklaus killed his mother and blamed it on his abusive father as all his siblings flew with one promise.

Always and Forever.

Turns out Esther felt bad about not letting his son become truly who he is so she cast another spell. The soulmate bond.

A girl would be born, no one knows when, the key to Niklaus's redemption.

His soulmate.

Niklaus had hope that maybe just maybe someone would finally love him and accept him for who he is.

But he was also scared about what if his soulmate was afraid of him and didn't want anything to do with him?

A Thousand Years Ago...
Niklaus's eyes fluttered open as he took in his surroundings, he was in a room, an empty room covered in white, not knowing how big it was.

He heard a voice as sweet as sugar and honey, giggle. Looking up he saw the most beautiful brunette he had ever seen, she had long brown hair till her waist, beautiful hazel eyes, she was in a white dress that had a floral pattern.

"hi" she said still giggling adorably. "hello" Niklaus replied as he stared at her in awe. "who are you?" He asked, she smiled showing of her beautiful smile "your soulmate you idiot" she said.

"I am Madison and you're Klaus right?" She asked, 'such a beautiful name' Klaus thought. He nodded staring into her hazel eyes.

"wait soulmate?" he suddenly askes, realizing what she just said. Madison chuckled nodding her head. She walked further into the room and held out a hand for him, he took it following her like a puppy.

Since that day Klaus had been dreaming of her almost every day. She was what kept him sane.

He knew she was not real yet, but she would be so he waited, he waited a 1000 years just to see her in person. He knew it was worth it.

1492, England.

Elijah walked in his brothers study and saw him painting the same girl he had been painting for decades. "she is a beauty Niklaus if I must say so myself" Elijah commented earning himself a loud growl and a glare from Klaus. "Are you sure she is real Nik?" Kol asked entering the room, "YES! SHE IS REAL, NOT NOW BUT SHE WILL BE NOW GET OUT!" Klaus roared with anger.

"I just came in to tell you I have found the Petrova doppelganger brother" Elijah said as Klaus looked at him and Kol smiling.

"I just came in to tell you I have found the Petrova doppelganger brother" Elijah said as Klaus looked at him and Kol smiling

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this was the prolouge! I hope u guys enjoy this story loveya!!!!

this was the prolouge! I hope u guys enjoy this story loveya!!!!

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