Placing the cup down, she slides off the stool. "Going to get changed," she tells him briefly, wandering down the hall and disappearing.

Kate emerges back several minutes later, hair still damp but clothes replacing the towel. "Why're you dressed like that anyway?" She heavily inspects Peter's outfit choice: a neatly ironed black suit and tie without a crease in sight.

Peter offers her a look of bemusement, raising a confused expression. "Because we're going to a wedding? You're supposed to dress up nicely." He shrugs his shoulders, a flush of embarrassment fanning over his cheeks. His eyes widen and his head shoots towards Kate as she watches him weirdly. "Is it too much?" There's a light panic in his tone and Kate frowns at him.

"What? No, you scrub up nice, Parker." She gives him a reassuring smile, ruffling his hair to which he groans and mutters something about having to now redo it.

Kate laughs, only quieting down when she realises her coffee has cooled to a drinkable temperature. She almost downs the whole thing in one.

Peter checks his watch, somewhat startled by what he sees. "We should probably get going soon."

"Soon? How soon?" Kate starts to panic now, not realising that they would have to leave soon baring in mind she wasn't half ready.

"Half an hour?" Peter replies uneasily, looking between his watch and his distressed cousin.

"Shit," Kate mutters under her breath, placing her half-full mug down, an uneasy feeling that she is not going to have time to finish it swimming around in her head.

Kate emerges a solid half-hour later in a black jumpsuit, dark locks scraped into a low ponytail. Peter almost leaps from his seat. "What took you so long? We're going to be late!"

"Calm down," Kate tells him, "my hairdryer wouldn't work properly, we still have time, don't we?" She fishes the phone out of her pocket. "Oh."

"Yeah," Peter laughs nervously.

"I'm ready now I promise."

Peter has always had a strong dislike of being late. But then again, doesn't everyone?

Kate grabs the necessities: bag, keys, bank card, phone and manages to slip on some lace ups before Peter is practically pushing her out of the door.

Kate's never really been a huge fan of weddings. It's not like she has a problem with them, she's just never really understood the hype of saying a few words, dressing up nicely and making a big fuss because of it. It reminds her of when her mother used to force her out to all of those different events surrounded by snobby rich people who all thought they were the best. She knows a wedding would be different, of course it would be. But she can't help but get the same feeling she used to all those years ago, dreading being surrounded by people she doesn't know.

Thinking back to it, the only reason why she agreed to go with Peter was because she felt bad that his girlfriend couldn't make it.

She immediately regrets her decision, however, when they arrive and she quite literally recognises no one in the crowd of people hovering outside the venue. When Peter wanders off to go and chat to someone Kate's never seen before in her life, she's left to fend for herself and flops down gracefully onto a bench nearby.

They're soon ushered inside by some more people of whom Kate doesn't know and the two cousins take a seat in the back corner. Kate isn't even sure how they got invited. All she knows is Peter's boss is friends with one of the brides. That and the fact that Peter has always been good at getting himself invited to places.

Peter seems to know everyone, Kate concludes, slumping back in her chair when he starts to chat to someone sat to his left, a tall man in shades and the most expensive suit Kate thinks she's ever laid eyes on, and her mother is rich. Bored out of her mind, Kate pulls out her phone and starts absentmindedly scrolling through Twitter. She doesn't find anything interesting, just uses it to waste time because they seem to be taking forever to start the ceremony.

Here comes the bridesmaid  (Kate x Yelena)Where stories live. Discover now