We continued running and jumping at a steady pace when Kiba's eyes darted everywhere. ''The stench of the enemy is all over this place!" Shikamaru gave us a signal showing us to stop. "Everyone stop!" We all seemed to stop at the same time causing us to land on the same branch. "Look up there." Shikamaru pointed to a tree which had an explosive seal. Neji activated Byakugan. "I see five more... This formation being of the 'Barrier Seal'." "Barrier Seal?" Choji asked confused. I nodded. "It's a type of Ninjutsu trap. They're triggered when you walk in the middle of them." Kiba looked back frustration on his face. "Damn.. We have no way other than to flank it?" Shikamaru sighed and hopped down from the tree traveling in a way around the barrier seal. 

We ended up following and that's how we were now walking in formation. "Hey Naruto don't trip on that wire there!" Kiba yelled believing Naruto wouldn't see the obvious wire trap. Naruto shrugged him off. "Yeah yeah! I know!" He took one big step over the wire making me freeze seeing what was under. "NARUTO WAIT!" Shikamaru and I shouted at the same time. Naruto stopped balancing on one foot. "HUH!? WHAT!? WHY!?" I stared at Shikamaru seeing the shadows of his and Naruto's connected. Ah that makes more sense... Naruto probably would have stepped on it otherwise... Shikamaru got Naruto out of the way of the trap carefully and stepped down to examine it. "A hidden wire under the visible one... A well made trap for a rushed job but that can only mean.." "They're resting, hurt, or it's another trap." Neji finished for him. 

Neji clasped his hands together. "Byakugan!" Within only a second Neji smirked. "Caught them." Naruto grinned. "Alright! Now I can beat them with my new jutsu!" Kiba crossed his arms. "Sorry Naruto, but it'll be my turn to show off me new trick." Choji nodded. "Me too!" 

I rubbed my left arm with a small frown, absently tracing the puppet design. Am I really the only one without a new jutsu?

"Don't be hasty, guys. As soon as I get my strategy down, we'll engage our target." Shikamaru said looking in the direction of the enemies. It was weird seeing Shikamaru assertive and actually taking charge... You know what, it actually fits him though..

"Alright. I have an idea."


I sat in the bushes next to Neji and Shikamaru. We had a clear.... Well, clear-ish view of the enemy. Or rather enemies, but even with the people we'd be facing, there was no Uchiha in sight. "Eh? Where's Sasuke?" I asked, making Neji move forward with his Byakugan activated. "Hmpf... He appears to be within that coffin." Shikamaru leaned up next to Neji. "What? Is he dead?" He whispered questionably and worriedly. "It's difficult to see through due to some sort of barrier surrounding it... I doubt they'd kill him with how much they want him." 

I gasped as an object whizzed right by my head into the tree behind us. A kunai with paper bombs! Just as I manged to jump with Shikamaru and Neji the bomb went off and sent us flying out into the open. "UGH!" I yelled out as I hit the ground. I could hear Shikamaru and Neji yell as they hit the ground too. I was lying on my stomach, thinking of pretending to be dead, but some how I get the idea that wouldn't work to well... 

I got half way up, still crouching on one knee. Next to me was Neji and a bit in front was Shikamaru.... I can really only hope this plan will work..

"Eh? Poked the bush and got three bugs instead of rabbits." One of the sound ninja said. They all walked out in front of us making me feel quite intimidated... Shikamaru got up frantically and stood in front of us. "H-HEY! We only came to negotiate!" A guy with six arms smirked. "Then what are these!?" 

With a tug of his arms Naruto, Kiba and Choji flew out of the bushes, it seems they had string connected to them... It wasn't a chakra string though, or it would have been a blue I would have seen...

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