DSMP - Do you regret? (The actions you took were all for good)

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Sooooo, just for a warning, theres torture, implied r@p3(it's barely there though blink and you'll miss it), starvation, isolation, dehumanization uhhh I dont know what else but like, yeah just keep away if you do not like the sound of that stuff

(forgive my shitty writing)

The prisoner dreaded it whenever Sir and The Warden came along to "check on it".

Today, it was resting against the obsidian blocks that made up its prison, the crying obsidian's purple flecks falling off and becoming some sort of liquid that sank into the obsidian it dropped on. Though there was lava encasing the box in which it had been kept, each block was cold to the touch. There was a white circular thing in the corner, that had purple marks on it as well as cracks from the grease of the crying obsidian.

It hears the redstone in the prison shift, signifying it had a visitor. The blanket of lava fell, and on a stone platform it could vaguely see from its half open eyes, yellow wings and a blue beanie, a predatory gaze raking over it. It shivered but pushed down the urge to cower in a corner, since Sir did not like it when it hid from him. Doing that had severe punishments, the prisoner learned, still feeling the ache of its broken jaw and sore waist from the past week.

Sir came towards it, a slow, easy-going gait, a sort of spring in his steps. Ah. That meant it would be branded and whipped, maybe Sir would carve something onto its skin. Sir grabbed the back of its head and pulled it up, dark irises meeting dead viridescent eyes.

"Hello Dream, did you miss me?" Q̶u̶a̶c̶k̶i̶t̶y̶ Sir asks him, throwing him to the side onto the lectern. D̶r̶e̶a̶m̶ It cries, tears streaming down his face from the pain, and did not bother to hide it, as Sir got angry whenever it tried to bite down its screams and sobs. Sir laughs, "Look at you, what a pathetic thing you are. A former God, one that ruled the server, over everyone and everything, now groveling on his knees."

Sir stood over him, his smile sinister. "Was this how it felt for you? When you stepped on our nation, refused our independence, ruined the lives of multiple, no, everyone on the server, all because you felt superior. Now look how that turned out, hm?" Sir pulled him up again by his hair, Dream making no struggle, and threw him down in front of the wall of lava.

As Sir pulled out something from his inventory and stuck it into the lava, Dream knew what was coming next. He removed the orange prison overalls, and bared his body to Sir. Sir chuckled at his actions, and muttered, "Good boy." as he removed the branding iron from the lava and stood behind Dream. "Back straight, arms behind you, bitch. After this I'll carve your skin using an axe, and just maybe whip your back. You have no protests to that?"

Its was not like Dream had a choice, so he shook his head and prepared for the pain to come.

It hit him like a fucking train. He cried out, body shuddering because of the immense pain. Sir removed the branding from his side, and immediately picked up the axe Sam had given him. He had brought salt with him as well, so he would rub that in later.

Dream cried out again, chest tightening and muscles tensing, as Sir carved a :] into his chest, and then threw salt at it.

Holy shit. If the pain went any worse, he would ascend.

Sir laughed delightfully at seeing the prisoner writhe on the floor, the burn mark an ugly red as the skin around it bubbled with black and purple marks from yesterday's b̶e̶a̶t̶i̶n̶g̶s̶ lessons, the blood around it a dark red.

"You deserve this you know. You were the tyrant that refused our independence, you were the monster that traumatized Tommy and Tubbo and even Ranboo. You're a monster, Dream, the lowest of the low. Always the manipulator, always the one who brought pain to the server. You're lucky Sam requests you stay alive after our meetings, and for me to not take a canon life. I resented that idea of his first, but I gradually liked it, because death is a lighter punishment for you, you need to bear the consequences of your actions you motherfucker. You're a monster, and even though you stay and repent here a thousand years, you will never be anything else." Sir spat on his face.

"We're not done yet young one. I did promise the whip right?" Sir said, reaching into his inventory and caressing it. He had attached pieces of glass on the whip yesterday, and had been itching to try it out on this monster before him.

Dream, although about to pass out from pain, nodded, knowing how Sir hated it when he did not get an answer. Sir immediately brought the whip down, and threw more salt on Dream after he brought the whip up again. The blood from that whip flew off and hit the wall. The walls of obsidian were painted in red, creating a disturbingly alluring scene.

When Sir had left, Dream realized that the Warden had forgotten to load the dispenser with potatoes. Whatever. It's not like Dream was eating them anyway. Whoever ate raw potatoes and liked them were psychopaths.

He stood and made his way towards the cauldron with shaky legs,supporting his weight on the walls.

He looked at his reflection in the dirty water. He was scarred from all the visits, he had lost a lot of muscle, he had sunken cheeks and bags underneath his eyes. Burns from the branding, red and angry, showing bones, cuts from swords, axes, shears even. He had lost a finger to those shears called The Warden's Willbreaker.

He didn't recognize himself.

Once, he was a bright young man, vibrating with energy, catching the attention of the ones near him like bees to a honeypot.

He had used his mask in a way of protecting himself against the people who would flock to him when they saw his face, but now, would anyone even like him?

It was just as Sir had said. He, who was once supreme, reigned over everyone, everyone bowed when he walked by, reduced to this state. He could imagine the SMP members rejoicing at a sight like him.

Sir was right. He was a monster who ruined everything. Sadly enough, Dream had made it so if you killed yourself, it could never become a canon death.

Betrayal was a language no one other than him understood more. It had hurt to get slapped by his own best friend George, it hurt to hear the angry words that tumbled out of Panda's mouth like a turbulent storm, hurt to see the disappointed looks from Karl, Quackity and Bad. It hurt to be left alone, it hurt when Technoblade had told him he was busy when Dream asked for the favour. It hurt to be turned away when all you did was for their sake, their happiness.

He wondered about them, his people. How were they doing now? Was it peaceful now that he was locked in here?

Had his plans worked?

He remembered the old times, when it was just Sapnap, Bad, George, Ant and him. From meeting them to going on manhunts, to building the community house until they invited more people.

Then it all became a shit show.

He's not saying what he did was acceptable, but if he could keep his server safe and peaceful, his people safe and peaceful, as a friend before an Admin, he would do anything.

He wonders when things have gotten this far.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2022 ⏰

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