Baby!Todoroki x Reader [Pt. 3]

Start from the beginning

Just as you ascended the stairs and were going to the elevator, you heard yells and footsteps rapidly here and there. You saw girls running here and there as Aria ran somewhere too, searching for something. 

And then you heard it.

It was a baby's cry.

Damn it.

You face-palmed yourself as you recognized that voice to be Shoto's. You panicked as you had to get to your room and calm him down, so you ran towards the elevator and gained control over it to open the door even before you reached it so you could just dash in and go up. 

Your floor wasn't too up. As you reached it, you saw some of your neighbors running down the stairs. Thanking them mentally, you rushed to your room and filled in the password, opening the door and rushing inside to see a crying Todoroki on the floor. 

It seemed he fell down.

You locked the door firmly behind you as you went towards him, softly picking him up and laying his body on your side, his head falling on your shoulder. He cried as you rocked him, caressing his back and slowly calming him down. 

You didn't know if it was your touch or you yourself, but that always calmed Shoto down. He made a cute little baby noise as he leaned back up and looked at you in the eyes, touching your cheeks with his tiny hand again. 

"Aww, you really like my cheeks, huh?" You asked him as you brought his face closer and gave a peck on his fat cheek. 

"Just wait until tonight, and you'll be normal." You said, determined of your plan. 


"All ready?" You asked Salmy as you hid into the rusty hut you had hid earlier in the morning with Shoto still in your arms. He was silent. 



"Yes." Salmy replied in Bakugo's voice. 

Just as you were going to say something, you heard rustle in the woods. 

"I think she's here, hide." You instructed as you made yourself hidden with Shoto as well. Salmy went outside silently to the nearby bush, in it's shadow. 

"Bakugo~" You heard Yuyuko say, and scoffed silently. "I wonder why you called me here, in the dark~" She continued.

You kept rocking Shoto as he silently listened to Yuyuko too. 

"I'm here." Bakugo's voice said. This was you cue to start concentrating on her, and that was what you did. Shoto looked at you curiously. 

"Where? I can't see you." Yuyuko said as you were halfway from gaining control over her. 

"Just here, can you see me?" The voice asked again as you fully gained control over her and made her fall on the down. She fell with a loud yell, and you came out of the hut with Shoto in your arms.

"You- What- What are you doing?!" Yuyuko asked as you smirked. You didn't have time to answer her questions as you had to finish this quick. 

"You need to mend something you did." You said, looking at Shoto in your arms as you walked towards the protesting girl, crouching down and making Yuyuko's hand come towards Shoto's head so as to touch him and transform it back. It came towards the little bay's head slowly as Yuyuko was protesting, but eventually it got laid on Todoroki's head and he shined a little, transforming back to his normal form.

You looked calmly as Shoto transformed back to his original form, while still in your arms. you blushed slightly as you blinked and let go off him and he fell down, with Yuyuko coming out of your control as well. 

"You-" Yuyuko began protesting again.

"Before I do anything else, go away when you have the chance. You wouldn't want me to send you back like before, now, would you?" You said with a deadly venom in your voice as Yuyuko shivered in fear and yelled for Bakugo.

"BAKUGO! SAVE ME!" She yelled.

"I wish I could, but I'm on her side in this." Salmy said as he came out of the bush, still speaking in Bakugo's voice, and smirked. "I'm her friend." 

"You...You're not Bakugo." Yuyuko said, dumbfounded.

"Congrats for stating the obvious." Salmy said as you started concentrating on her again. You had enough of her nonsense and it was time to for her to go back. Shoto looked at you again. 

You gained contro, over her again and made her fly off far away just like how you did before. You blinked, panting after as you looked at Shoto, who was in his normal human form at that time. 

"You're back." You said. 

"Yes." He replied coldly. 

"At least thank her, she did so much for you." Salmy said a bit crossly, to whom Shoto just stared in return. 

"Hey, it's fine. Go now, it's late." You instructed Salmy, and he nodded, turning around and going towards his building. 

Sighing slightly, you turned around to see Shoto with his hands in his pocket, string at the ground. You knew there was no point in saying anything, so you just said, "No one knows about you turning into a baby. Only Salmon does, but he won't say anything to anyone. I'll go now." You informed him, not really expecting an answer and turning around.

"Hey.." His deep voice stopped you in your tracks, but you didn't turn around. You heard him walk towards you and he passed from beside you, saying "Thank you." 

As you looked at his retreating figure, you smiled, knowing that the icy-hot bastard wasn't really cold after all.


[1510 words] 


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