Chapter 3

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I walk out of the classroom with the rest of my classmates
"AMANDA!!!!" Ashley screams down the hallway.
Me and Ashley have been best friends since what seems like forever.
Ashley runs up to me and gives me a hug. I hug her back.
"Look at us in Senior year" she says excitedly putting her arm on my shoulder.
I smile at her. Then I see him, my crush since forever. Brandon Williams. He walks down the hall way in his group of jocks.Almost the whole school had the eyes for him. I suddenly feel like I'm in a movie every thing is in slow motion now. That is until I see his eyes meet mine. I instantly blush like a mad women. I turn around to my locker and shove my face in it hoping it will eat me. Then there's a warm hand on my shoulder. My face feels like it's on fire. Try to act casual I say to myself. I turn around when my eyes meet with Ashely's.
"Holy shit" she yells "Why are you blushing" she laughs. "Oh my god" I cover my face with my hands embarrassed. "I thought you were Brandon" I whispered
She laughs calling attention to us.
"I can't breathe" she chokes out fanning herself with her hand as she continues laughing. " I don't know why you think this is so funny Ash" I question her embarrassed as I grab my binder out of my locker. Shes still laughing unable to answer me. I turn around to only run into a rock. Ashley stops laughing almost immediately. I look up only to see Brandon's face smiling down at me. I feel my face heat up.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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